Emerald City Gamefest

National Games Week 2006, organized by Games Quarterly Magazine, will be taking place on November 19-25 (Thanksgiving week). Several groups of gamers in the Greater Seattle/Puget Sound area are collaborating to organize an all-day event on Saturday November 25, 2006. The event will be entirely free; there will be no fee to come in, to play, or for any other activity. The event does not bring any revenue to any organizer or sponsor. To schedule a game, register online here.
Who, When, Where, How...
We hope to have role-playing games, board games, miniatures games, card games, etc. This event is specifically intended for "live" games rather than computer games, although it is alright if you wish to bring your computer and play pick-up LAN games.
WHO = Local Participating Community Gamers
Gamer Associations
Confirmed so far:
- Puget Sound Roleplayers Meetup Group
- Seattle Dungeons & Dragons Meetup Group
- Seattle Gamers Assemble (SGA)
- Third Place Gamers
Several other groups have been contacted and may also participate (more info soon!)
- Games Quarterly Magazine, organizers of National Games Week
- Third Place Commons, where the event will be held
- Morrigan Press, publishers of the Omni System and the new Terran Trade Authority RPG
- Exile Game Studio, publishers of Hollow Earth Expedition and the Ubiquity Roleplaying System
- Technomancer Press, publishers of low-cost high-adventure RPGs
- The Dreaming, friendly local gaming store in the University District
- Eos Press, publishers of Weapons of the Gods, Godlike, Delta Green, Creatures & Cultists, and the upcoming Unhallowed Metropolis
The event is held on Saturday November 25, two days after Thanksgiving, from 9AM to 7PM. The intro game, called "Cruel 2B Kind", will be held in the upper parking lot from 9AM to 11AM; and the indoors games will be held in the Third Place Commons meeting room from 11AM to 7PM.
Note that from 1PM to 2PM, there will be a harp concert in the main Commons area; while we don't have to stop playing, it may be kind of loud in general area (our HQ should still be alright).
The game schedule shows games that are already scheduled, but you can show up any time and borrow one of the games listed on this page to run it with your friends or whoever else in interested!
Emerald City Gamefest will be held at Third Place Commons in Lake Forest Park.
Lake Forest Park Towne Centre (click for Google Map)
Second Floor
17171 Bothell Way NE
Lake Forest Park, WA 98155
(206) 366-3302
This is a great location: bus service, free parking, free wi-fi access, large tables, and a great food court adjoining the area where we'll be playing.
Getting There
By bus:
Routes 331 (Metro) and 522 (Sound Transit) stop at Lake Forest Park Towne Centre, and connect to many other routes. (The stop is Bothell Way NE & Ballinger NE on the schedules.)
By car:
From Points North of Mountlake Terrace:
Head south on Interstate 5. Take the Highway 104 exit and turn left (east). Travel about 2 miles, Highway 104 (Ballinger Way NE) will dead-end at Bothell Way NE (and Lake Washington). The shopping center will be at the corner, on your right.
From Seattle:
Head north on Interstate 5. Take the Highway 522 exit (AKA Lake City Way NE) and turn right (east). Travel about 4 miles, (Lake City Way NE becomes Bothell Way NE) then the shopping center will be on your left, immediately before the corner of Bothell Way NE and Highway 104 (Ballinger Way NE).
Alternately, get off at the NE 145 St./Highway 523 exit and turn right (east). Travel about 1.5 mile to Lake City Way NE (Highway 522). Turn left on Lake City Way (this is the point where Lake City Way NE becomes Bothell Way NE, so you may see a Bothell Way sign first). The shopping center will be on your left, immediately before the corner of Bothell Way NE and Highway 104.
From Shoreline:
Head east on any major street, until you reach Highway 522 (Bothell Way NE), turn left (north). Travel a short distance (<4 miles), and the shopping center will be on your left, immediately before the corner of Bothell Way NE and Highway 104 (Ballinger Way NE).
From the East Side:
Take Interstate 405. Take the 195th St./Beardslee exit and turn left (west); 195th street becomes Bothell Way NE. Travel about 5 miles, and the shopping center will be on your right, immediately after the corner of Bothell Way NE and Highway 104 (Ballinger Way NE).
Contacting Us
If you would like more information, please contact one of the following people, using "Emerald City Gamefest" in the subject line:
- kevperrine @ yahoo.com or call Kevin at 206.851.1625
- mechante_anemone @ yahoo.com
- dungeonmastersguide @ gmail.com or call Jon at 425-293-9946
If you would like to help with organizing the event, you can sign up with the ECG organizers' mailing list.
Here is the game schedule as it currently stands. Additional game planned, but not yet scheduled, include Necessary Evil: Mystery Men, Shadowrun 4th edition, Hollow Earth Expedition, Truth & Justice, and Crossroads.
Games Available for Borrowing
Beginning at 11AM in the meeting room (or the common area, if we have need of more tables), we will have all manner of board games, roleplaying games and much more available for play. You are welcome to borrow any of them and start a game. Here is a partial list of games that will be available for play:
- Role-playing Games
- Dungeons and Dragons
- Superhero Roleplaying
- Board Games
- Settlers of Catan
- Domaine
- Polarity
- Apples to Apples
- Deadwood
- U.S. Patent #1
- Mancala
- Cribbage
- Trivia Pursuit
You will also have the opportunity to bring your own games to play at the event.
- To begin the day's event we will be hosting a very special game called Cruel2Bkind. It is an experimental game, and this is the first time ever that it will be played in the state of Washington. Please visit www.cruelgame.com to learn all about this amazing game, and to register to play Cruel2Bkind at our Emerald City Gamefest. Be the first in the entire state to play this new game.
- Raccoon Creek Games will be demonstrating their new Crossroads Role-Playing Game.
See the game schedule for details.
Game Registration
Individuals or groups who wish to organize a game, demo, panel, or tournament can register online here. The earlier you let us know about your game so we can post a schedule here, the more interested people will show up!
Other Events
Thanks to our sponsors, there will be door prizes and giveaways throughout the day. The schedule will be posted in the week prior to the event.
Food Donation Box
We are partnering up with Northwest Harvest to collect food donations. As the Holiday season begins, we hope everyone will feel inclined to share with those less fortunate. We will have a big box where you can drop off nonperishable food items.