The Xuan Wu Academy

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Revision as of 00:12, 27 November 2006 by Rivers Between Us (talk | contribs)
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Though an artificer almost without peer, Rivers Between Us' skills are only enhanced by having a staff of capable assistants to aid in his work. Further, as he occupies his mind with continually grander and more magnificent projects, he loses time to craft the more mundane wonders still necessary to his circle's operations or to perform the necessary maintenance on his complex magitek inventions. To meet all of these problems head-on, Cathak Nekuto created a new Training Protocol to teach five Marukani artisans the thaumaturgical skills they would need to be competent sorcerer-engineers. Since their training, they have been amalgamated to become crafters with Celestial puissance. They are:

  • Inam Niu: "Earth Lord", assigned to supervising manse construction.
  • Ruki Nü: "Sky Captain", assigned to fleet maintenance and construction.
  • Mite Xu: "The Bear", assigned to God Crossing.
  • Hatsu Shi: "Walker", assigned to road construction.
  • Nama Bi: "Silver Monkey", assigned to personal artifact construction and maintenance for the solars.


Graduates of the Xuan Wu Academy are regular mortals who have been specially trained to be thaumaturges and sorcerer-engineers. They are treated as heroic characters and have have the normal statistics for Farmers, with the following exceptions:

  • Dexterity 3, Intelligence 3
  • Lore 3, Occult 3, Craft (Fire) 2, Craft (Earth) 2, Craft (Air) 2, Craft (Magitech) 2, Integrity 1, Medicine 1, Resistance 1, Ride 1
  • Specialties: Craft (Magitech): Reproducing Artifacts 2, Craft (Earth): Public Works 2
  • Conviction 2, Valor 2

Heaven's Mandate