Mythic Fate JRPG/Benjamin Wade Luther III

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Benjamin Wade Luther III

Physical description

Benjamin is pretty tall for a human, standing right above 6', with a powerful physical build from a life of labor and soldiering. His dark brown hair and short cut black beard is a stark contrast to his cerulean eyes. He always wears non-flashy clothing, which are mostly just earth toned garments made more for their durability and utility, than for an appealing nature. His visage is mostly stern and contemplative, although there is a deep sorrow lurking in his eyes.


Refresh and stress


Physical stress: [][][]

Mental stress: [][][]

Magical stress: [][][]


High concept: High concept

Trouble: Trouble


Phase 1

Phase 2

phase 3


Great +4

Skill 1

Good +3

Skill 2

Skill 3

Fair +2

Skill 4

Skill 5

Skill 6

Average +1

Skill 7

Skill 8

Skill 9

Skill 10


Free Stunt A

Integer gravida eros quis nisl viverra volutpat. Quisque semper est eros, commodo bibendum turpis tempor.

Free Stunt b

Nullam tincidunt metus non fringilla bibendum. Vestibulum finibus sed augue ac consequat. Nullam vel pretium massa, ut ornare ex. Vestibulum.

Free Stunt C

Cras tortor velit, bibendum nec nunc eget, condimentum congue ligula.


Name has access to the following magical elements

First Element




Physical stress: [][][]

Mental stress: [][][]

Magical stress: [][][]


High concept: High concept

Trouble: Trouble

Aspect: Personality


Good +3

Skill Good

Fair +2

Skill Fair 1

Average +1

Skill Average 1

Skill Average 2


Ben, a young pig farmer, was conscripted into service when he was 23. By then he had a wife and a young child of 1 year old, and a newborn baby. Having served in the Gerdermian Sky Marines as an Axeman and a shock trooper, he is no stranger to hand to hand combat, and his dreams are often terrorized by bloody scenes. As his term was closing he served as an executioner of captured pirates and hardened criminals, although he never enjoyed it. Now that everything has settled down, he has retired from his long stint in service, only to return finding his home in disarray. His pigs were all sold off for his family in order to survive while he was away, and his wife had succumbed to the mysterious plague that had recently enveloped the land. He had sworn never to pick up his axe again until now, at the age of thirty-one he has resorted to his old trusty friend in order to make a living. Ben took up woodcutting as a new trade, which has proven lucrative due to all the building as the Sky Navy expands it's fleet.

Phase One =

Vivamus a nibh sem. Donec rhoncus orci at pretium mattis. Integer sed dignissim turpis, iaculis sagittis felis. Maecenas ac nunc et ante commodo maximus. Donec nibh risus, luctus quis enim id, bibendum faucibus orci. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed quis euismod metus. Ut laoreet varius leo at fermentum.

Aspect: Phase 1

Phase Two

Mauris tincidunt mollis ligula, eu volutpat dui fermentum vitae. Nunc vehicula, elit non maximus pretium, metus mi aliquam purus, vel lacinia ex tellus quis nulla. Duis mollis enim nec lacinia interdum. Cras efficitur quam nunc, sed varius lacus tincidunt sed. Mauris faucibus, quam non mollis sodales, nisi mi dictum risus, elementum congue tellus nisi sed nibh. Vivamus sed massa ac metus sodales condimentum. Quisque dignissim lacinia hendrerit. Vestibulum quis blandit felis. Donec vel orci lobortis, pharetra sapien nec, condimentum sapien. Phasellus orci sapien, euismod sit amet commodo sed, porttitor non eros. Mauris sed massa libero. Donec molestie rhoncus enim. Maecenas quis magna eget tellus ullamcorper feugiat vel a sem.

Aspect: Phase 2

Phase Three

Quisque consectetur lectus quis lectus varius mattis. Phasellus aliquam, ligula id ullamcorper dignissim, nisi tortor porta quam, et condimentum nibh purus et quam. Praesent sit amet risus ornare, sodales eros a, viverra leo. Sed et massa efficitur, egestas sapien ac, hendrerit massa. Vestibulum mattis vestibulum enim, eu faucibus magna porttitor a. Sed sed odio nisl. Integer dictum urna vel ligula tempor, id venenatis ligula fringilla. Suspendisse nec nisi ipsum. In vel tempor lectus, at fringilla enim. Mauris ac ligula fringilla, facilisis quam varius, suscipit nisi. Maecenas ultricies nunc malesuada pellentesque feugiat. Pellentesque a elit aliquet, tincidunt lacus eu, pulvinar neque. Aliquam efficitur suscipit erat. Aspect: Phase 3
