Marukan Regional Teas

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The Litany of Inferior Marukan Regional Teas

Fivefold Monkey Picked Mountain Blend - A blend of the other four estate teas without the Nameless Ravine Estate teas. Adequate for most people, but I find that every sip mocks my failures.

Calinhill Oolong - Strictly Inferior.

Nexus Brand - An appallingly cheap tea, so lacking in merit that the Tea Ceremony of Insightful Roots gave me naught but visions of chaos and squalor.

Celeran Estates Black Tea - Was this stored in a fire-damaged warehouse? Has a sooty aftertaste. I hear it is popular among the Mayhiros clan, who are probably inured to the scent of burning embers. I must admit that if you can get past the aftertaste, the overtones do have some small merit.

Hiparkes Brand - I do not know how Hiparkes feels about having his name used to market tea. It's not half bad tea actually. The flavors are initially rough and contradictory, though they mellow out as the palate becomes more accustomed to them.

Jinba-Ittai - Hiparkes Brand's finest rare label. An assuredly superior tea, but available in strictly limited quantities.

Thorns Briar Tea - Tastes like death warmed over. Assuredly fatal to mortals. May prove unexpectedly useful. Rumor has it that Leaf Shakes the Wind serves it to unwanted guests.

Heaven's Mandate