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A Warrior world deep in a bloody sword age.

Gesheka is a massive warrior world in the dangerous swaths of shadow where madness and poor choices are like a river running fast and slow.

Four continents, 12 nations, 18 racial groups, 4 belligerent religions, and 2 billion people living in a sword age

The world of Gesheka is an example of contrasts. A bloody sword age world with a pervasive peace based religion. A world with a massive amount of organized crime and a vibrant merchant class.

Cardinal Points

there are 3 cardinal point systems on Gesheka.


This is the natural magnetic north based 12 degrees off the North/South pole. It is the principle navigation point.


The four great Wizards Schools on Gesheka each hold a might magical Stone the size of a small house. Magical compasses sight along toward whichever stone the compass is attuned to.

Based in the Inner Sea the center of the there is no balance between the four points.

The Triloc

The Triloc is a three prong symbol that point to three cities. One is the Great City. One in the City of Yigia in Vas. One the city of Tala at the border of Tralar & Arabak

The City of Gesheka

13 on the map is the great city of Gesheka that the world takes its name from. It is officially a neutral place that citizens of all nations are welcome. In reality the wars of the world are often fought in the streets of the Great City.

The Great City or the "Gesheka" is a mammoth city that figures in the politics of every nation in the world.

The Seven Sisters

The Seven Sisters are towers created magically deep in the origins of the world. They are lighthouses raising 500' above sea-level, surrounded by a heavy fortified base rising 80' above sea-level. There are mighty harbors on each of the fortifications. The islands are large and each has its own native population as well as factors for most shipping lines with various corporations preferring working on various sisters.

Four of the Sisters are in the Inner Sea. Three are in the Outer Sea.

These are the first stop for the deep water shipping on their way to the Inner Sea and the Great City.

While warfare occurs in the open waters of the five seas by tradition battles do not continue once a ship passes the Sisters.

Many merchant ships stop at the Sisters and off-load cargo to smaller Inner Sea ships, taking one cargo for return trips.


In a world with a population just over a billion people the city has a population of 200 million. 1/5th of the world's population. The population

Each of the 12 nations has a large residential district in the city. The population of the city maybe 200 million but only about 30 million are life long residents. The rest spend anywhere from 1 to 20 years living there before returning to their home nations. Any prominent family of the 12 nations maintains housing in the Great City.

Gashaks are natives of the Great City regardless of their nations of origin. Many Gashaks work for their native nations while considering themselves natives of the Great City.

Commerce and Industry

The Great City has many industrial activities but with space at such a premium much of it is cottage industries

Commerce and Industry

Local Industry

The Great City has many industrial activities but with space at such a premium much of it is cottage industries

International Commerce

The Great City is most of all the hub of the world's commerce. Merchant shipping is one of the most important forces in the world and wars are fought over use of various sea lanes.














Gray Hat