Gesheka is a massive warrior world in the dangerous swaths of shadow where madness and poor choices are like a river running fast and slow.
Four continents, 12 nations, 18 racial groups, 4 belligerent religions, and 2 billion people living in a sword age
The world of Gesheka is an example of contrasts. A bloody sword age world with a pervasive peace based religion. A world with a massive amount of organized crime and a vibrant merchant class.
Speed of Light is a hard limit in this shadow disallowing star ships using faster then light travel.
Where exactly in the shadows it is located is unclear. Elements of this shadow are found on shadows close to Chaos including Gutsedvem[[1]] . However, it is linked to Mac's Bar. It is connected to the Tosa/York multiverses.
Five Seas[edit]
Inner Sea[edit]
The main sea for commerce
Four of the Seven Sisters are in the Inner Sea west of the Great City
Outer Sea[edit]
The Outer seas is vast, covering half of the planet. There are an unknown number islands in the Outer Sea but none are claimed by the organized nations.
The distance involved make shipping from the east of the nations to the west of the nations rare since many of the unnamed islands are refuges for pirates.
The Cardinal points of North and South work in the Outer Seas but the other systems are unreliable.
Three of the Seven Sisters are in the Outer Sea near the Great City.
North Sea[edit]
A region of floating frozen glaciers swirling around the top of the world. The larger the iceberg the faster is rotates around the top of the world.
There are no permanent land masses though there are subsistence settlements on some of the massive icebergs. There are Green Hat settlements on three of the massive icebergs but they are only permanent in the sense that the people have been there for centuries but move on a moments notice if a collision near them might threaten them. Consider them a nomadic ice people.
There are rumored to be pirate enclaves on some icebergs.
There is rumored to be a wizards enclave in the region that researches the magical stone deep in the waters causing the swirling at the top of the world.
The three Compass systems fail to allow navigation in the North Sea.
South Sea[edit]
The South Sea swirls in a fast manner similar to the North Sea except not having icebergs there is little to find in the vast space. The spin is inward like a whirlpool, drawing anything along. It makes navigation of the South See essentially impossible unless one wishes to reach Ship's End.
Ship's End[edit]
Ship's End was created over the course of centuries. The waters of the South Sea swirl around the south pole, moving inward. Ships caught in the swirls would eventually smash into each other as they spun on the south pole.
The legend goes that in the deep past a massive naval battle between forces of Agadal,Tralmin, and Greshar fought a battle that moved southward over the course of weeks. Caught in the swirl they fought each other and the waters unable to escape either.
Toward the end of the battle they determined they needed to cooperate to keep from being destroyed by the whirlpool. They lashed their ships together to form a single floating construction of over a hundred ships. While small battles erupted across the construct they managed to reach the pole intact and spinning widdershin slowly. This was the seed of the Ship's End. It was 10 years before any of these sailors left the south pole.
Over the century many things occurred to increase the size of the construct spinning at the bottom of the world.
- One expedition sent 50 barges filled with planting soil into the swirl. They were guided along the way to gently arrive at Ship's End. Built purposefully to be secured together they became a well managed plantation on the water.
- A region of frequent rain, ships carrying cargo in barrels often converted packing barrels to water collection to provide fresh water.
- Some expeditions to Ship's End include barges filled with lumber. This provides barge space as well as construction lumber.
Politically Ship's end is a place where sailors retire to live on the sea far away from their warring nations.
The Sea of Triloc[edit]
The Seven Sisters[edit]
The Seven Sisters are towers magically created deep in the origins of the world. They are lighthouses raising 500' above sea-level, surrounded by a heavy fortified base rising 80' above sea-level. There are mighty harbors on each of the fortifications. The islands are large and each has its own native population as well as factors for most shipping lines with various corporations preferring working on various sisters. The population of the Sisters are considered part of the Great City.
- Four of the Sisters are in the Inner Sea: Fala, Tala, Gana, Reas.
- Three are in the Outer Sea: Trin, Droa, Gals
These are the first stop for the deep water shipping on their way to the Inner Sea and the Great City.
While warfare occurs in the open waters of the five seas by tradition battles do not continue once a ship passes the Sisters.
Many merchant ships stop at the Sisters and off-load cargo to smaller Inner Sea ships, taking one cargo for return trips.
Cardinal Points[edit]
there are 3 cardinal point systems on Gesheka.
This is the natural magnetic north based 12 degrees off the North/South pole. It is the principle navigation point.
The four great Wizards Schools on Gesheka each hold a mighty magical Stone the size of a small house. Magical compasses sight along toward whichever stone the compass is attuned to.
The Triloc[edit]
The Triloc is a three prong symbol that point to three cities. One is the Great City. One in the City of Yigia in Vas. One the city of Tala at the border of Tralar & Arabak The Sea of Triloc is a ongoing scene of battle between the ancient enemy nations of Vas, Tralar, and Arabak. Esheka, which borders the sea has traditionally played one nation against the others and stayed out of the warfare of the three.
The naval warfare of the three nations and the raiding of enemy merchant shipping has made the Triloc Sea nearly impassable to normal shipping. Almost all shipping takes the slow coastal passage to remain under the protection of their nation's navies.
The City of Gesheka[edit]
13 on the map is the great city of Gesheka that the world takes its name from. It is officially a neutral place that citizens of all nations are welcome. In reality the wars of the world are often fought in the streets of the Great City.
The Great City or the "Gesheka" is a mammoth city that figures in the politics of every nation in the world.
In a world with a population just over a billion people the city has a population of 200 million. 1/5th of the world's population. The population
Each of the 12 nations has a large residential district in the city. The population of the city maybe 200 million but only about 30 million are life long residents. The rest spend anywhere from 1 to 20 years living there before returning to their home nations. Any prominent family of the 12 nations maintains housing in the Great City.
Gashaks are natives of the Great City regardless of their nations of origin. Many Gashaks work for their native nations while considering themselves natives of the Great City.
Commerce and Industry[edit]
The Great City has many industrial activities but with space at such a premium much of it is cottage industries
Commerce and Industry[edit]
Local Industry[edit]
The Great City has many industrial activities but with space at such a premium much of it is cottage industries
International Commerce[edit]
The Great City is most of all the hub of the world's commerce. Merchant shipping is one of the most important forces in the world and wars are fought over use of various sea lanes.
Warfare in the Great City[edit]
The Great City has a native population but it is also divided into national sections. <Like Little Italys, Little Saigons and Chinatowns>
However for Tralmin, Vreinsa, and Green Hat their national sectors Tralia, Vrek, and Green Top and the biggest concentration of their native populations anywhere in the world far out pacing cities within their national borders.
Nations of Gesheka [edit]
- Location:
North of the Great City. The great nation of Caruse is one of the two nations that provide a majority of provender to the residents of the Great City.
- Culture:
The Carsai are mostly agrarian with a strong civilian ethic for defense. Most members of the nation are militarily trained.
- Military:
- History:
Notable Carsai[edit]
- Location:
- Culture:
- Military:
- History:
Notable Tivians[edit]
- Location:
Eshaka is the southernmost nation bordering the Inner Sea. The western edge borders the towering Garshalat Mountains. The exact locations of the borders between Esheka and Tivin are uncertain in the mountainous range due to its severity.
- Culture:
A naval power with strong leadership and the best sailing ships in the world.
- Military:
Mostly a naval power all but controlling the Inner Sea. Land forces tend toward light
- History:
Esheka, Tivin, Agadal, & Tralmin were in antiquity all the Empire of Esheka. Esheka has a sense of need destiny to unify their Empire which the other three nations do not share.
Notable Eshakans[edit]
- Location:
- Culture:
- Military:
- History:
Notable Agads[edit]
- Location:
- Culture:
- Military:
- History:
Notable Tralmese[edit]
- Location:
- Culture:
- Military:
- History:
Notable Greshans[edit]
- Location:
- Culture:
- Military:
- History:
Notable Vasas[edit]
- Location:
- Culture:
- Military:
- History:
Notable Tralans[edit]
- Location:
- Culture:
- Military:
- History:
Notable Arabaks[edit]
- Location:
- Culture:
- Military:
- History:
Notable Fegis[edit]
- Location:
- Culture:
- Military:
- History:
Notable Vrein[edit]
Green Hat[edit]
- Location:
- Culture:
- Military:
- History:
Notable Hatters[edit]
The Idolic[edit]
This is a peace based faith popular with the lowest classes of society.
Forak of Jeck[edit]
Forak is a warrior deity born on the battlefield of Jeck. His religion advocates constant warfare. The location of the battle of Jeck is unknown. Forakians form warrior bands of various sizes, pick and enemy and make war. Some basic guidelines are generally followed but not necessarily held to strictly. The Forakians fight among themselves as eagerly as against others. They hate the Tosians.
The Pantheon of Tosa[edit]
Many of the individual who touched the World Stone had spent much of their adventuring and warring careers on Gesheka. Thus when they touched the World stone, their "divinity" spread here fast.
Warfare on Gesheka[edit]
Lots.. Like all over the place
Associations and Organizations[edit]
Warrior Core and the Lord Gladiators-WCLG [edit]
This association is a sporting league of warriors and gladiators. It is a strictly scored and ranked league where warriors of all levels of ability participate with a goal of reaching the rank of Lord of the Games.
Warrior Core and Lord Gladiators Association
Many members of the officer and knightly ranks in the militarys of the many nations participate in the
The Vanguard of Battle[edit]
Saints of Battle[edit]
This accolade is granted by an unknown council of observers in the Tosa/York universes.