Seven Realms
The Seven Realms are an interconnected series of 10 universes in the region between the Mandalay and Amber Sways. They have a strong interconnected collection of linkages. They have a great deal in common with each other and a lot of various methods to travel between them.
Seven Realms
Antheris is the most unified and heavily populated of the Seven Spheres. It is in a universe with forty-eight known planetary systems inhabited by a human population of 32 billion people. There are 7200 inhabited planetary bodies and somewhere between 20k and 100k artificial habitations. It has been an interstellar civilization for 60,000 years with a recorded history of 21,000 years on Homeworld.
Early in the development of the species it made a critical developments choice to settle issues through ritualized sports, legal advocacy, and other methods rather then violent bloody warfare. This does not mean there were no wars or that pacifism was the only creed but it was the method of problem solving of failed diplomacy.
Homeworld is the birth place of the human race in the Antheris Realm. It has become the the governmental and legal center for the Seven Realms.