A character in the The Shock of This Notable Storm B/X Campaign.
- Neutral Little Dark Person 4
- XP: 8315/16000
- Languages: Old Speech, Brittonic
- Backstory: Erp was cast out from his tribe for displaying shockingly forward ideas and his willngness to deal with Tall Folk.
- STR 17 (+2)
- INT 11
- WIS 11
- DEX 15 (+1)
- CON 12
- CHA 14 (+1/5/9)
- HP: 19
- AC: 5
- Attack: Short bow +2 to attack, 1d6 damage, short sword +2 to attack, 1d6+2 damage
- Movement: 90 (30)
- Treasure-bearing movement:
- Saves:
- Death Ray or Poison 6
- Magic Wands 8
- Paralysation or Petrification 8
- Dragon Breath 10
- Rod, Stave, or Spell: 10
Racial Abilities
- +1 to missile attacks
- -2 to AC when attacked by larger than man-sized creatures
- +1 to individual initiative
- Difficult to see: 90% in wilderness, 33% in dungeons
- Enc. 392
- 2 gp
- Leather armor (AC 7, 20 gp, 200 enc)
- Buckler (AC -1, 5 gp, 50 enc)
- Short sword (1d6, 7 gp, 30 enc)
- Short bow (1d6, 25 gp, 20 arrows, 30 enc)
- Backpack (5 gp)
- Iron rations (15 gp)
- Flask of oil (6) (12 gp)
- Lantern (10 gp)
- Mirror (5 gp)
- Tinder box (3 gp)
- Waterskin (1 gp)
- 10 gp base/flawed emerald [10cn]
- 25 gp ring [10cn]
- 25 gp Thor's hammer symbol)
- boar tusk on silver chain worn around neck.