Fish Story: Liam

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William "Liam" Johnson


Overt Occupation: Political Historian

Covert Occupation: Liaison officer between NATO/CIA and Gladio (Plan Bleu) stay-behind cells Odette and Dubois. Nominal NATO rank of Captain.

Motivation: Patriotism

Military Service: Intelligence Officer, Soldier (Captain) (12 Investigative / 40 General Points, Captain rank pre-requisites) (Template for Jeanne d'Arc company, Spanish Civil War).

Department: CIA Political Action Division Officer (14 Investigative / 32 General Points) (Template for Gladio (Plan Bleu) field liaison officer)

Revelation: Hard Experience (Karotechia skirmish)

Investigative Build Points: 27 (2 Initial + 24 Assigned + 1 Revelation)

General Build Points: 92 (22 Initial + 65 Assigned - 2 Revelation + 5 Revelation +2xp)==


AGE 35

STR 7 CON 8 SIZ 8 INT 13 POW 18 DEX 12 APP 9 EDU 16 [14 + 2 for age] HP: 8 Damage Bonus: -1d4 Idea: 65 Know: 80 Luck: 90 SAN: 90 MP: 18


Accounting 10% Anthropology 01% Archaeology 01%
Art 05% Astronomy 01% Bargain 05%
Biology 01% Chemistry 01% Climb 40%
Conceal 75% Craft 05% Credit Rating 15%
Cthulhu Mythos 00% Disguise 01%
Electrical Repair 10% Fast Talk 85% First Aid 10%
Geology 01% Hide 50% History 20%
Jump 25% Law 05% Library Use 25%
Listen 75% Locksmith 71% Mechanical Repair 25%
Medicine 05% Natural History 10% Navigate 10%
Occult 65% Operate Heavy Machine 01% Other Language 01%
Own Language [English] 55% Persuade 15% Pharmacy 01%
Photography 10% Physics 01% Pilot 01%
Psychoanalysis 01% Psychology 05% Ride 05%
Sneak 50% Spot Hidden 85% Swim 25%
Throw 25% Track 10%
Fist/Punch 50% Head Butt 10% Kick 25% Grapple 25%
Handgun 20% Machine Gun 15% Rifle 25% Shotgun 30%
Dodge 24%


Weapon % DMG Range Rounds MAL ATT/R
.38 Revolver 20 1d10 15y 6 99 2
12 Gauge (2B) 30 4d5/2d6/1d6 10/20/50y 2 00 1 or 2
Blackjack 40 1d8-1d4 Touch
Fighting Knife 25 1d4+2-1d4 Touch


Liam typically dresses in simple pants and jacket of matched dark wool and a starched white shirt. Weather requiring, he will also wear a heavy woolen great coat (or a stout leather jacket when riding his bike). He never wears a helmet or hat.

His shoes and belt are sturdy leather.


1921 Indian Motorcycle (purloined from a batch that was supposed to go overseas to the war effort)


Short, dark, and slight of build, William "Liam" Johnson was born in Cheyenne, Wyoming. His mother died in childbirth and his father was killed in a bar brawl a few years after he was born. As fortune would have it, however, Liam was adopted by his paternal grandfather, a wealthy Cape Cod eccentric who annoyed all the proper folk and basically did as he pleased.

The old man did not pass down much to young Liam in the way of proper social behavior or work ethic, but he did hand down a rapt fascination of the occult.

When his grandfather died - under mysterious circumstances - he left everything to Liam, but absent the old man's presence, the young man had little inclination to stick around and left things in the hands of the estate lawyer to handle in his absence.

Liam didn't venture far, mostly roaming the Atlantic northeast, conning folk and tinkering with whatever he got it in his head to tinker with, never staying in one place very long, subsisting on his wits supplemented by letters of credit as needed from the estate lawyer and mostly treating life as a game.

But he retained a healthy fascination with the occult and never passed up the opportunity to look into strange happenings and rumors that crossed his path.

Income: $20,000 Assets: $100,000

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