Well of Nimue: Character 1

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Character Name

"Character Quote"

High Concept

Aspect Name
Brief description of High Concept Aspect (should include your House assignment)
Invoke: Example of when this aspect might be invoked
Compel: Example of when this aspect might be compelled


Aspect Name
Brief description of Trouble
Invoke: Example of when this aspect might be invoked
Compel: Example of when this aspect might be compelled

Free Aspects

Aspect Name
Brief description of Free Aspect
Invoke: Example of when this aspect might be invoked
Compel: Example of when this aspect might be compelled

Aspect Name
Brief description of Free Aspect
Invoke: Example of when this aspect might be invoked
Compel: Example of when this aspect might be compelled







Wood: Wood Type | Core: Core Type | Flexibility: Degree of Flexibility

Wand Stunt:

Stunt Description


Pet Name: Description Pet Stunt:

Stunt Description [Note: If you have more than one pet only the first stunt is free. Additional stunts would have to be paid for by spending refresh]

Character Stunts

Stunt 1: Description

Stunt 2: Description

Stunt 3: Description

Stress & Conditions




Winter Courtier



In Peril



Personal Details

Born the only daughter of a Wyld Fae Trickster of rough reputation, Alice had a strange and troubled childhood. She never knew her mother, and her father would not speak of her, but over time she came to suspect that he had done what Trcicksters often do in the siring of progeny - he took on both roles, impregnating himself and bearing her to term in the form of a woman.

It didn't matter. When she was old enough to fend for herself, he abandoned her to her own devices. An unaligned Fae among the wildest and roughest of the Fae was on the dangerous side of precarious, and resulted in her eventually swearing fealty to Winter.

The Unseelie court was no soft home, but they kept the letter of the law. In that respect, she was much safer than she had ever been in the Wylds.

Boneweaver, a burly minotaur who spent most of his time on the Gates, took her under his wing shortly after she had given fealty and did his best to help her to navigate her new life. A Waywalker, he taught her to find the spaces between the Here and the There, between the Now and the Not Yet. He taught her how to whisper to the Ways, to suss out where they went before she even stepped in. But more importantly, he taught her to listen to the Ways and to trust them when they wanted to lead her.

That did not always end well.

The Magic came to her on its own, breathed on the chill wind, wrapping her in blankets of stars and night. She was no adept yet. But she was no slouch either.

More and more these days, she found herself walking among mortals in their realm. They fascinated her, though their penchant for surrounding themselves with Iron was alarming. Still, most of them managed not to run afoul of the stuff, and if they could manage the feat, she could too.

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