PotterFAE: Faculty
Headmistress and House Heads
Headmistress Minerva McGonagall
- Hogwarts Headmistress, former Gryffindor Head of House and Transfiguration instructor.
Professor Horace Slughorn
- Head of Slytherin house and Deputy Headmaster; Potions Master and instructor.
Professor Filius Flitwick
- Head of Ravenclaw house. Charms instructor. Dueling Master.
Professor Pomona Sprout
- Head of Hufflepuff house. Herbology instructor.
Professor Mikal Nicolai
- Head of Gryffindor house. Formerly of Durmstrang Institute. Defense Against the Dark Arts instructor.
Other Faculty
Professor Sebastian L'Argent
- Transfiguration instructor. Formerly of Beuxbaton's Academy of Magic.
Professor Bathsheda Babbling
- Instructor of Ancient Runes
Professor Cuthbert Binns
- Deceased (ghost). History of Magic instructor.
Professor Darius Bell
- Muggle Studies instructor
Professor Rubeus Hagrid
- Care of Magical Creatures instructor.
Professor Aurora Sinistra
- Astronomy instructor.
Professor Sybell Trelawney
- Divination instructor.
Professor Septima Vector
- Arithmancy instructor.
Madam Rolanda Hooch
- Flying Instructor, Quidditch referee and coach.
Madam Irma Pince
- Hogwarts Head Librarian.
Madam Poppey Pomfrey
- Hogwarts Matron and head nurse.
Mister Ogham Pince
- Keeper of Keys and Grounds
Mister Argus Filch
- School Caretaker