D&D 5E: Smallfolk of Dragon's Reach

Character | Race / Role | Player | Level |
Brekki Longtoes | Grippli Ranger | Max | 3 |
Helmut the Trekker | Halfling Ranger | Meriss | 3 |
Jonnalyn Silver | Halfling Bard | Talisman | 3 |
Rosto Sesskarr | Kobold Artificer | Garyfury | 3 |
Character 5 | ? | ? | 3 |
DM | Shenanigans & Misdemeanors | kokopelli |
Combat Table
Character | INIT | AC | HP | Spell Slots |
Spell DC |
HERO Points |
Resources Used |
Attribute Modifiers |
Passive Per/Inv |
Character Name | x/x | 6 | ST DE |
Character Name | x/x | 6 | ST DE |
Character Name | x/x | 6 | ST DE |
Character Name | x/x | 6 | ST DE |
Character Name | x/x | 6 | ST DE |
* indicates featured saves

The Islands of the Archipelago
Alichokka is the main island of the archipelago and virtually all smallfolk are represented here. Like most of the islands of Dragon's Reach, the northern shoreline of the island is made up almost entirely of cliffs. The center north-western portion of the island rises sharply to a single green peak.
- The Hall of the Mountain King - Underneath the single high mountain of Alichokka lie the warrens and labyrinths of the gnomes and the small dwarves of the reach. Kobolds and Goblins also dwell beneath the mountain, but far lower than the dwarves typically go.
- The North Fjord - Between the Northwest and Northeast halves of the great isle is a long and deep four-pronged fjord, the edges of which are inhabited by the coastal halflings.
- Blackwater Brake - The south-western cape of the island is a great swampland, primarily inhabited by the Grippli. Goblins live here as well.
- The Eastern Moors - Nearly the entire eastern side of the great island is the province of the lowland clans of human folk, mostly fishers and farmers, but small settlements of gnomes and halflings can also be found.
Faer is the most cosmopolitan of the isles of the Reach, with the races of many small folk living shoulder to shoulder. Faer's prime purpose is as the archipelago's primary ports of trade.
- Trader Down - Located on the deep harbor in the southwest corner of the island, Trader Down is the major port of Faer and the closest thing in Dragon's Reach to an actual city. Goods from all over the archipelago may be found in Trader Down.
- Northport - Located in a tight bay at the northern end of the island, Northport is dug straight into the sea-facing cliffs and has an underground Harbour that the tallest ships can only access at low tide. Northport is primarily an expansive fishing village, but it is said to be a place to receive illicit and smuggled goods.
- The Midlands - The center of Faer is lush farmland primarily cultivated by human clans settled in small cooperative villages.
Ki is the smallest and wildest of the islands that are more than rocks standing up over the waves. Halflings and gnomes have been known to land there to resupply or - rarely - to trade, but it is mostly inhabited by goblins, Kobolds, and a small tribe of wood elves.
- Ijon Tower - Ijon Tower is a monastery perched on the north cliffline of Ki. It takes adherents of all races.
The Island of Rune is inhabited almost entirely by a moiety of sea giants and coastal halflings whose lives and tribes and lands and professions are so closely intertwined that it is believed that neither could long survive without the other. The Giants are small for their kind, standing only about 9 feet at maturity, and are said to be great practitioners of elemental magics. Particularly magics of air and storm and sea. Suspended walkways of wood and land roads of stone connect every home and village on the island, none of which are named.
The Outer Reach
The islands to the north-east are mostly uninhabitable, bearing only the hardiest and shortest vegetation. Mostly it's just violent seas and rock and dragons.
The Seas of the Archipelago
The Winward Sea
The winds around Dragon's Reach typically blow in from the north, so the seas to the north are called the Windward Sea
The Leeward Sea
On the south side of the archipelago, the winds tend to blow away from the isles, so the seas to the south are known as the Leeward Sea.
Treacher's Deep
To the west of the Reach is a chasm of great depth at the bottom of the sea floor that has never been measured. Even the dragons won't go there. Strange things are said to come up from the trench at odd times.
Metagame Tools
OOC Thread
IC Thread
Orokos - Online Dice Roller.
Roll 20 - 5e Online.
Absences Thread - If you can't post for whatever reason let us know here or in OOC.
Post Frequency
- I am asking for a daily posting commitment for this game as a general rule, with the understanding that posting might be less frequent on weekends and holidays.
Post Absences
- If you will not be able to post, for whatever reason, please ping us in OOC so we know what is going on or post to the Absences Thread (I pretty much check that thing every time it lights up).
Post Formatting
- Please include the following header at the top of each IC Post:
- Character Name [AC ? | HP Current/Max | Spell DC ? (if applicable)]
- OOC blocks are fine for showing dice rolls and brief OOC comments directly related to a particular post. Please sblock if you need to include large blocks of text related to your IC post. All other OOC content should go in the OOC thread itself.
- Please link your results back to your dice roller.