Dungeon Fanasy Raiders of the Dead LushaPitch

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Lusha Pitch


Human Female Cleric (of the goddess Brigantia goddess of combat and defense

(actually a supposed Celtic goddess of maybe war).

ST 12 [20]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 14 [80]; HT 12 [20]

'BL 29lbs; Base Damage 1d-1/1d+2; HP 12 [0]; Will 13 [-5]; Per 13 [-5]; FP 12 [0]; Base SPD 6.00 [0]; Move 6 [0]

Advantages: Clerical Investment [5]; Detect Evil [18]; Energy Reserve (Clerical) 3 [9]; Mind Shield 2 [8]; Power Investment (Clerical) 4 [40]

Disadvantages: Discipline of Faith (Ritualism) [-5]; Honesty (12) [‑10]; Intolerance ("Evil" religions) [-5]; Selfless (12) [-5]; Sense of Duty (Adventuring Companions) [-5]; Truthfulness (12) [-5]; Vow (Chastity) [-5]; Vow (No Edged Weapons) [-10]

Quirks [-5]: Talks to small animals as if they can understand her, Prefers brown and other natural colors,

Skills: Axe/Mace- 15 [12]; Climbing -13 [1]; Diagnosis -12 [1[; First Aid -14 [1]; Gesture -14 [1]; Hidden Lore (Demons) -13 [1]; Mediation-12 [1]; Occultism -13 [1]; Public Speaking -13 [1]; Religious Rituals -12 [1]; Research -13 [1]; Shield -14 [4]; Sling -12 [4]; Stealth -13 [1]; Teaching -13 [1]; Theology -13 [1]; Writing -13 [1]

Special Skills: Esoteric Medicine (Holy) -14 [4]; Exorcism -14 [4]

Spells: PL1: Detect Magic [1]-16, Light [1]-16, Minor Healing [1]-16, Purify Water [1]-16, Recover Energy [1]-16; PL2: Awaken [1]-16, Continual Light [1]-16, Healing Slumber [1]-16, Major Healing [1]-15, Turn Zombie [1]-16; PL3: Command Spirits [1]-16, Cure Disease [1]-16, Flaming Weapon [1]-16, Greater Healing [1]-15, Restoration [1]-15; PL4: Banish [1]-15, Dispel Magic [1]-16, Gift of Letters [1]-16, Instant Neutralize Poison [1]-16, Regeneration [1]-15

Gear (Extra Starting cash [5] +$2,500): Mace [Balanced, Dwarf] (Damage 1d+5 cr, Reach 1, Parry 0, Wt. 5lbs, Cost $450, ST 12), Heavy Sling (Damage 1d+4 cr, Acc 1, Range 36/72, Wt. 1/1, ROF 1(2), Cost $20, ST 8, Bulk -5, Two-Handed) with ten Lead Pellets (Wt. 0.6lbs, Cost $1), Light Shield (DB 1, Wt. 8lbs, Cost $40), Heavy Cloth Armored Suit (DR 2, Wt. 36lbs, Cost $450), Power Item (Gold Medallion worn on silver chain, FP11, Wt. 1bs, Cost $2,000), Holy Symbol (Blessed +1 to Exorcism, Turning and other tests of Faith, Cost $250, Wt. 1lb), 2 Belt Pouch (holds 3lbs one carryig lead shot one extra coin, Wt. 0.2lbs, Cost $20), Belt (Wt. 1lb, Cost $15), Small Backpack (holds 40lbs, Wt. 3lbs, Cost $60), its carrying - Healer's Kit (Esoteric Medicine Cleric +1, Wt. 10lbs, Cost $200), Blanket (Wt. 4lbs, Cost $20), Canteen (holds 1 quart, Wt. 3lbs full, Cost $10), Personal Basics (Wt. 1lb, Cost $5)

Encumbrance - Combat: 55.8lbs (Light); Travel: 77.8lbs (Medium)

Remaining Coin: 19 copper

Combat: Mace-16, Sling-12; Defense: Block-11; Dodge-9 (8); Parry-12

Fixed the cost -- Breakdown: 160 Stats -10 Secondary Stats + 80 Advantages - 40 Disadvantages -5 Quirks + 40 Skills & Special Skills +20 Spells +5 extra cash for a total of 250