Paradoxian Melange
Melange is a general name for a series of drugs used across shadow with many different properties.
Versions and Origins
Dune Melange,from the Planet of Arraikis, is the most well known. Paradoxian Melange is well known in the Tosa/York]] multiverses.
Arraikis Melange
- Properties: Arraikis Melange (ArMel) is a drug able to prolong life, bestow heightened vitality and awareness, and can unlock prescience in some humans.
- Eye Coloring: As with PMel a user who has passed the addiction threshold manifest bright blue irises, with light blue sclera. The eye coloring does not change the visual perception of the addict.
- Production: Created on Arraikis naturally, as a pre-spice mass is the stage of fungusoid wild growth achieved when water is flooded into the excretions of Little Makers, the larval stage of Arrakean Sandworms. Once the Pre-spice mass produce enough C02 it explode over desert sand where a combination of air, heat, and natural factors in the sand, cases the matter to ripen into spice.
- The Bene Tleilaxu discover an artificial method of producing the spice in their axlotl tanks, previously only used to create gholas
Paradoxian Melange
- Properties: Paradoxian Melange (PMel) It has a function of heightened speed, reflexes, and cognitive powers. It heightens muscle control. An individual on PMel can essentially move at twice normal speed when they wish to though doing so for long periods of time causes fatigue and hunger.
In some races it may be able to prolong life, bestow heightened vitality and awareness. In certain specific usages and abuses it may unlock prescience in some races though this often has detrimental effects on the user.
- Use & Addiction: Pmel can be used in small doses to briefly heighten awareness, increase hand & eye speed and coordination. Minute amounts are present in many Paradoxian Healing Potions. PMel is often used to increase perceptive trances involved in prescience and fortune telling as well as divination. many Oracles uses PMel over ArMel for this reason.
Addiction levels can cause life-extension nearly indefinably while levels are maintained. It has a mildly euphoric feel to its use.
- Withdrawal: PMel is addictive after a certain amount causing the Blue in Blue coloration of the Eyes. While tiny amounts will maintain the addiction and its properties withdrawal can be very destructive to cognitive abilities, coordination
- Eye Coloring: As with ArMel a user who has passed the addiction threshold manifest bright blue irises, with light blue sclera. The eye coloring does not change the visual perception of the addict.
Production: Regions of Paradox emulate Arraikias exactly and Sandworms were able to produce Pmel in the same manner ArMel was created. In time similar method as used by the Bene Tleilaxu were developed that broke the million gold piece a gram price boundry.
Gestvesedeen Melange
- Properties: Gestvesedeen Melange (GeMel) is a drug able to prolong life, bestow heightened vitality and awareness. It causes a heightened physical response and greatly enhances taste, tactile, and scent detection. It is mildly euphoric and causes arousal to some degree. It greatly enhances sexual response causing erectile performance and lubricity as appropriate to a species.
Yorkian Melenge
Yorkian Melange (Ymel) identically responds and can mix with PMel. The main difference is that Tolknor found a shadow of York with a planet covered in a mile thick of the dust Paradoxian Melange. It is a generally darker color of orange-red.