Isidore Redbeard
- Race: Human Scout 6
- XP: 40,000/65,000 (+5% Bonus)
- Alignment: Neutral
- Full PC played by Koren
- No titles or holdings
- STR: 15 (+1 To Hit/Damage, 3-in-6 Open Doors)
- INT: 8 (Basic literacy, no additional languages)
- WIS: 11 (No magic save modifier)
- DEX: 15
- CON: 14
- CHA: 9 (No Reaction modifier, MAX 4 Retainers, 7 Loyalty)
- Languages
- Common
- General Skills
- Navigation (Expert)
- Naturalist (Skilled)
- Wilderness Survival (Skilled)
- Class Abilities
- Use any weapons, wear chain or lighter armor. No shields.
- Deal an extra +2 damage with any physical attack.
- If target slain, make an immediate additional attack against another target within 5’. Maximum number of times equal to hit dice, provided each attack kills the opponent.
- Thief Skills
- Climb (18+) - Able to automatically scale easy surfaces; trees with an abundance of branches, rough rock walls, etc. Should only be made when climbing difficult surfaces. Climb at a speed of 10’ per round.
- Hear Noise (17+) - Able to hear and discern sounds, whether trying to pick up a conversation in a crowded room or listening at a dungeon door to determine what is on the other side.
- Sneak (16+) - Leather armor only. Combines Move Silently and Hide in Shadows. Can move no faster than 1/3 their normal speed.
- When in the wilderness, may roll twice to avoid being lost, taking the better result. If leading a party trying to evade an encounter, roll twice, taking the better result. Includes at sea.
- Fighting Style - Ranged. The character gains a +1 bonus to hit when using ranged attacks and may fire into melee with no penalty.
- Combat Maneuvers
- Long Shot (Dex) - Skilled (10+). The attacker is able to squeeze some extra distance out of ranged attacks. On a successful roll the attacker can increase the maximum range by 25%.
- Knacks:
- Nature's Ally. The character gains the ability to cast druidic spells (as per OSE Druid & Illusionist Spells.)
- Improved Critical. The character inflicts a critical hit on a roll of natural 19 or 20. It is recommended that a critical hit a) automatically hit the target, regardless of AC and b) inflict maximum damage.
- AC 3 (Chain +1, cannot sneak)
- HP: 27
- Movement Rate
- Initiative Modifier: +1
- Attacks (For the below, write in what it is. Like, "Two-Handed Sword: Stats."
- Primary Melee Attack: (List the attack throw with all magical, ability, etc., modifiers, like 5+ or whatever), (Damage.)
- Secondary Melee Attack:
- Primary Ranged Attack:
- Saves:
- Petrification & Paralysis: 9
- Poison & Death: 10
- Blast & Breath: 11
- Staves & Wands: 11
- Spells: 13
Nature's Ally - Druidic spell casting
- First Level: 2
- Predict Weather
- Speak to Animals
- Second Level: 1
- Obscuring Mist
- Total Encumbrance:
- Armor:
- Chain Armor +1 (Base AC 4)
- Weapons:
- Those things
- Gear:
- Helm of Reading Languages: A fragile helmet that grants the wearer the ability to read writing of all kinds. Text in any language can be understood. Each time the wearer is hit, there is a 1-in-10 chance of the helm being destroyed. If the wearer is killed, the helm is destroyed.
- Shield +2 (Cannot use, to be traded)
- Personal Treasure:
- GP: 10,000