Ensign Incognito
- Level: 3
- Class: Expert
- XP: 0
- Age:
- Languages: English, Koilian
- Background & Description: Criminal/Pilot
- Strength 9 +0
- Dexterity 14 +1
- Constitution 10 +0
- Intelligence 16 +1
- Wisdom 12 +0
- Charisma 11 +0
- Fix-0
- Know-0
- Notice-0
- Pilot-1
- Program-0
- Punch-0
- Shoot-2
- Sneak-0
- Stab-0
- Survive-0
- Talk-0
- Trade-0
(1 skill point to be used towards non-combat skill kept in reserve)
Psychic Powers
- Starfarer
- Gunslinger
- Specialist: Notice
Other Stats
- Movement Rate:
- HP: 8
- Effort:
- System Strain: 0/10
- AC: 14
- Attacks (Attack Bonus +1)
- Laser Pistol: +3 1d6+2 15 100/300
- Saves
- Physical 13
- Mental 12
- Evasion 13
- Readied
- Stowed
Plot Thing
-Main Page: Delta Drop No Sharper Spur Contempt of Death