D.R.R. Carlyon, II
D.R.R. Carlyon, II
- Level: 5
- Class: Expert
- XP: 0
- Age: 24
- Languages: English, Swahili, Japanese, French, Portuguese, German, Cantonese, Tagalog, Latin, Koilian, High Ushan (workable).
- Background: Dilettante/Noble (son of a renowned fantasy hologram author & trust-fund baby)
- Description: A man with boyish good looks, a sparkle in his eye, and near-permanent hair product to keep the do in good stead.
- Strength 9 +0
- Dexterity 10 +0
- Constitution 12 +0
- Intelligence 14 +1
- Wisdom 11 +0
- Charisma 18 +2
- Connect-1
- Heal-1
- Know-2
- Lead-2
- Notice-0
- Perform-0
- Shoot-0
- Talk-1
- Trade-0
Psychic Powers
- Diplomat
- Speak all languages common to the sector.
- Learn new languages to a workable level in a week. Fluent in a month.
- Reroll 1s on any skill check related to negotiation or diplomacy.
- Star Captain/Commodore/Admiral
- Ship gains 2 extra command points at the start of each turn.
- Ship gains 20% maximum hit points.
- Once per engagement, resolve Crisis as an Instant Action.
- Expert
- Once per scene, reroll a failed skill check. Take new if it's better.
- Gain bonus skill point for non-combat, non-psychic skill per level.
Other Stats
- Movement Rate:
- HP: 16
- Effort:
- System Strain: 0/12
- AC: 16
- Attacks (Attack Bonus +2)
- Laser Pistol: +3 1d6+0 10 100/300
- Laser Rifle: +3 1d10+0 20 300/500 (can burst)
- Kick/Punch: unskilled 1d2+0
- Saves
- Physical 12
- Mental 10
- Evasion 11
- Readied
- Laser Rifle
- Combat Field Uniform
- Backpack
- Stowed
- Laser Pistol
- Medkit
- 4 Lazurus patches
- 2 doses of Lift
- compad
- bioscanner
- 25 credits
- 200 credits
Plot Thing
-Main Page: Delta Drop No Sharper Spur Contempt of Death