Hernando Santiago
- Level: 6
- Class: Warrior
- XP: 0
- Age: 22
- Languages: English
- Backgrounds & Description: Hernando is a marine veteran, who has just recently mustered out. His Uncle Felipe had some success in this part of the galaxy some time ago, so he has come to see if he can find his own destiny.
- Alert:
- Cannot be surprised. Others cannot use execution option on me. Roll twice for initiative and take the highest roll. (Notice skill.)
- Always acts first in combat, unless someone else has Alert focus.
- Ironhide:
- Innate AC of 15 + Dex Bonus + 1/2 Level rounded up.
- Immune to primitive weapons and unarmed attacks.
- Gunslinger:
- Gain Shoot, Add Shoot skill to damage
- Strength 14 (+1)
- Dexterity 18 (+2)
- Constitution 14 (+1)
- Intelligence 9
- Wisdom 10
- Charisma 11
- Unspent Skill Points: 0
- Exert-0
- Lead-0
- Notice-2
- Punch-1
- Shoot-3
- Sneak-1
- Stab-1
- Survive-0
Other Stats
- Movement Rate:
- HP: 57
- Effort: na
- System Strain: 0/14
- AC: 21
- Attacks (Attack Bonus +9)
- Advanced Knife +10 1d6+2 Shock 2/AC15
- Advanced Katana +10 1d8+3 Shock 3/AC13
- SamaelTech Sword +12 1d8+5 Shock 3/AC13
- Thunder Pistol +12 2d8*+5 Range 50/100 Magazine 6
- Thermal Pistol +12 2d6+5 Range 25/50 Magazine 5
- Spike Thrower +12 3d8*+5 Range 20/40 Magazine 15
- Grenade Launcher +12 2d6+5(?) Range 150/350 Magazine 3
- Unarmed Attack +10 1d2+2
- Saves
- Physical 7
- Mental 8
- Evasion 6
- Pressure Sheathing: You can survive and act in vacuum for up to thirty minutes. Takes 48 hours to recharge.
- Readied
- Combat Knife
- Katana (Back)
- Thermal Pistol
- Stowed
- Spike Thrower
- Grenade Launcher
- Spike Thrower
Plot Thing
-Main Page: Delta Drop No Sharper Spur Contempt of Death