Scion2e:StairwaytotheHeavens: Colleen Fitzcannon
Colleen Fitzcollin
Colleen is slightly taller than average, and can pull of the Debutante look with the best of them. Her long black hair is either artfully arranged in ringlets, or tied back in a queue depending on whether she's working or socializing. Her eyes are iron gray most of the time, but if she's enjoying herself they can lighten to cloud gray. Pray they don't darken.
Name: Colleen Maire Fitzcollin
Gender: Cisgender female (Lesbian)
Age: 19 years
Scion Type: Born
Parent: Goibniu
Pantheon: The Tuatha de Danaan
Level: Post-Visitation (Hero)
I don't mind getting my hands dirty, but hurt the dress and you'll pay in kind.
Colleen has never known her father. She's not even certain that her mother married her father - though, as she's heard no hint of scandal, she believes that either there was a marriage, or there's a document saying there was a marriage.
She's her mother's only child and therefore heiress. Unlike many of her mother's peers though, Rosemary Fitzcannon never tried to limit Colleen to 'the finer things'. Colleen was taking things apart by the time she was 6 - and putting them back together again, too. But she did learn the finer things, to an extent, anyway. Enough to pass her cotillion.
She'd been fairly sure even before then, but actually dancing with the 'men' she was socially obligated to spend time with cinched it for her - they weren't her type. Oh, most of them were nice enough, and one or two even shared her interests in technology, but none of them attracted her.
Ophelia Drake now - another Deb out at Cotillion - she was someone Colleen wanted to dance with, and once the dance cards were done with, she did. Ophelia, though, was intense. She spent no more than 4 hours a night sleeping, and that was on a good day. The rest of her time was spent working - Colleen, for all her stamina, couldn't keep up. But Ophelia did introduce her to the biggest part of her life after coming into Society - Bladesmithing. When shes not shopping or going out to clubs to help keep her family's reputation for fashion and femininity, Colleen can be found in ratty jeans, an old sweatshirt and a leather apron, moving metal.
But she's thinking Ophelia infected her. It's not enough. There's more to her life - she knows it, and she feels a powerful drive to become something more. She's even asked Rosemary about her father - but while Colleen's got a will of tempered steel, her mother's will is Armor Plate. All she says is 'in time, child. In time.'
Athletics (Running) OOO
Close Combat (Spear) OOO
Culture (Guest Rights) OOO
Empathy OO
Integrity OO
Leadership O
Persuasion (Seduction) OOO
Science (Metallurgy) OOO
Technology (Bladesmithing) OOO
Favored Approach: Resistance
- Intellect (OO)
- Cunning (OOO)
- Resolve (OOOO)
- Might (OO)
- Dexterity (OOOO)
- Stamina (OOOOO)
- Presence (OO)
- Manipulation (OOO)
- Composure (OOOO)
Legend 1
Legend Points
- Points Imbued:
- Points Spent:
Legendary Titles
Shaper of Lightning
Short-Term Deed: Create a true masterwork weapon
Long-Term Deed: Resolve an Unrequited Love
Band Deed: Acquire and Protect the Relics
Origin Path (Tertiary): Life of Privilege
- Connections: Rosemary Fitzcollin, The Club Scene, Exclusive Clubs
- Skills: Culture, Leadership, Persuasion
Role Path (Primary): Technology Expert
- Connections: Joseph Neil, SCA / Ren Faire Groups, Forges/Garages
- Skills: Technology, Science, Athletics
Pantheon Path (Secondary): Make something of yourself, kid.
- Connections: Ophelia Drake, Connections, Access
- Skills: Close Combat, Culture, Persuasion
Honor OOOOO Prowess:
Callings and Knacks
Creator (OO) Keywords: Shaper; Blacksmith
- Innate Toolkit
- We go all night
- Wireless Interface
Lover (OO) Keywords: Beauty; Seductive
- I am Fire
Warrior (O) Keywords: Fighter
- Close the Gap
Innate Power Geis - Cannot turn down a proposition from a beautiful woman.
Boon Tongue of the Bard Cost Imbue 1 Legend Duration Indefinite Subject One Character Action Simple Your bard's tongue speaks of a character's prowess and deeds. Ask the Storyguide one of the following questions about a character you can see. What is this character's lineage (Mortal and Divine); What is a geis they are under?; What is a Deed they are best known for, one currently working on, or want to hide?; What is a quality or Knack they possess?
Innate Power Your handiwork is infallible. Whenever one of your craft projects would suffer Flaws due to the Complications of delicate work or any other source, subtract one point from the total amount of Flaws, down to a minimum of 0.
Sky (From Tintreach)
Innate Power You have perfect foreknowledge of the weather and climate around you up to at least a day in advance, and may ignore any Complication imposted by rain, wind, or other hazardous weather.
Boon Flight Cost Imbue 1 Legend Duration One scene Subject Self Action Simple You can fly, using movement actions to ascend upwards into the air or horizontally through it. You cannot rush or disengage, while flying. When this Boon ends, you descend gracefully to the ground, taking no falling damage.
Epic Dexterity (From Tintreach)
Innate Power So long as you continue to move towards a destination, you walk, run, or leap with effortless grace. Any surfaces solid or liquid hold your weight as if you weighed no more than a feather, and you may effortlessly scale vertical surfaces without a need for a handhold.
Tintreach (OOOOO): Relic
- Purview (Epic Dexterity)
- Purview (Sky)
- Enhancement (Charging Attacks)
Scathach's Torc (OO): Relic
- Knack (Master of the World)
- Hard (1 pt Armour)
Write Fatebindings here if you have any
Fatebinding Name (Rating): Fatebinding Description
Weapons and Armor
Tintreach : A 7' long ash staff topped with a leaf-blade spearhead 18" long. (Long Spear)
- Tags: (Lethal, Melee, Thrown) Reach, Piercing
Character Advancement
Experience Earned: 2
Experience Spent: 0
Advancement Log
In addition to gaining and spending Experience, each Player can Tweak their character at the end of each session. They may shift a single Attribute dot to another Attribute or a single Skill dot to another Skill, swap out an existing Knack with a new Knack, write a new Short-Term Deed, and alter a single phrase in one of your Paths. These changes have to be justified, with shifting dots needing the character to work towards increasing their Skill or Attribute, and Path changes needing appropriate circumstances. To help keep track of both new additions and changes in your character, you may record such changes in this section.