Running Sheet Alvah

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Father: Delwin aka Sir Kendel Chambers. Knight of the British Empire.

Mother: Unknown




  • Plays Jews Harp


Dresden Files world.


Total:131=50 Stats +14 Powers{c} +10 Skills +23 Items +0/0 allies/Enemies +2 Good Stuff +35 Storage


  • 1 Pip-Hair and Chocla-Storage.
  • 4 Pip-Character Quiz.-Storage.
  • 1 Brownie Story. -Storage

Statistics {50}

  • Psyche: 30
  • Strength: Amber
  • Endurance: Amber
  • Warfare:20

Powers {14}

  • (50)Pattern -Maybe not taken yet.
  • 10 Power Words
  • 3 Low Order Magic.
  • 1 Cantrips

Skills {12}

  • 2 Dancing
  • 2 running
  • 2 parkour (i love to watch parkour)
  • 1 Motorcycle
  • 1 Horsemanship
  • 2 Thief Skills (20th Warlock Thief)
  • 1 Percussion instruments- Mouthharp, drums,
  • 1 Piano

Allies & Enemies {0/0 = 0}






Cicero (28)

  • 4 Amber Vitality
  • 4 Engine Speed
  • 2 Amber Stamina
  • 1 Combat Training
  • 2 Double Damage Teeth-Poison Bite
  • 2 Danger Sense
  • 2 Speak & Sing (not actually talking but understands commands, can act on its own)
  • 1 Psyche Neutral
  • 2 Shadow Path
  • 2 N/N forms Snake, tiny snake,
  • 4 Regenerate
  • 1 Ability
  • 1 Ability
  • Subtotal-28
    • Loyal, creative, slightly sinister, and possibly more.

Items {23}

Alvah's Rapier-Signature Piece-

  • 4 Engine Speed 5-Transfer
  • 4 Endless Stamina 5-transfer
  • 4 combat mastery
  • 4 Invulnerable
  • 4 Deadly Damage
  • 4 Regeneration
  • 2 N/N Forms-Rapier, Knife, small knife,
  • 1 Ability-Awkward and unbalanced in the hand of others.
  • 1 Ability-Sense of location if in the same shadow.
  • 1 Ability-Call to Hand
    • total 39

Ryba's Coat of Holding-13 pips

  • 6 Pips-Mixed Holding Spaces.
  • 1 Ability-Possessive. People tend not to notice the coat, nor take it from her unless magically compelled to. It is usually overlooked. If he is captured and the prisoners are ordered to strip he is generally allowed to keep his coat for unknown reasons.
  • 4 Limited Shapechange.
  • 1 Ability-Warmth. Comfortable Environment. Keeps him warm and can confer that warmth to 2 others.
  • 1 Appears well-maintained, as if worn and mended.

War Boots.-10 pips

  • 4 Invulnerable
  • 4 Deadly Damage Steel Toed
  • 2 N/N Forms

Corwin's Blue Harley

On Loan...

  • 2 Chaos Vitality
  • 16 Extraordinary Movement. Holds its riders to it. Creates a protective sphere against speed effects to the riders
  • 2 Amber Stamina
  • 8 Armor Ruggedly Invulnerable. Its riders seem to share a general invulnerability to the elements, general fire effect, wind dame, elements of a material nature being cast at it including rocks and bullets while the vehicle is in motion.
  • 2 Speak & Sing. Not quite sentient, more emphatic, it has intelligence enough to adapt to conditions, protect itself and its riders, even if they are inexperienced, and to behave in the manner an experienced rider would choose. Anticipates choices. For its principle companion(Gerard or Carissa) it seems to exude a sense of comfortable companionship and willingness. It may have a sense of protection for them. It has an unspoken, sub-sentience that make accept upgrading.
  • 4 Extraordinary Psyche Sens.
  • 4 Seek in Shadow Will seek its rider if separated
  • 4 Mold Reality Makes its road smoother when needed
  • 8 Item Extraordinary Regeneration. transfer 5-Any rider is treated with Extraordinary Regeneration 4 while in contact to the vehicle
  • 8 Extraordinary Shape shift. It tends to shift to whatever shape a vehicle of its type would be considered stylishly exciting. In realms without such appeal it reverts to its blue early Harley appearance. The tendency to chose a “Stylish” appearance seems to exude a degree of vanity about its own appearance. Its rider may suggest shapes and design and it will nearly always comply, but may revert to its own choice of appearance.


  • The source of the power is to be discovered but it seems to function nearly anywhere, even in Amber.

There is a sense when riding it that it is a happy and willing tool. Its almost a sense of faithfulness. There is a sense it has been other things then a motorcycle.. As if it knows what its like to be a bulldozer, or a airplane, or a pizza oven. Brief and infrequent flashes of a mechanical awareness pass to its primary companions.



  • 2 Good Stuff


  • 20 for Sorcery and assorted magic.



Estate-North Shore Chicago [[1]]