Firefly: 2UW - Mod Sets
Plot Points
GM: The GM begins the game with a number of GMC Plot Points equal to the number of players. He also has a big damn pile of Plot Points with which to buy jinxes, award character Plot Points, etc
Players each begin with one Plot Point at the start of the episode and may earn more in the usual ways, Typically by engaging SFX that grant PP or by rolling Hitches.
The Ship:In this particular game the ship has an AI enhanced brain and is considered a pseudo player in that it starts each episode with a PP and earns PP when the pilot or other authorized player uses a ship based (distinction or asset) SFX that generates PP. Any player using the ship to perform an action can tap the ship's PP for that action.
Action Resolution
Except in the most extraordinary circumstances we won't be using initiative. Whoever makes more sense to be prioritized in an action will be, with priority typically going to PCs over GMCs.
Because it's PBP actions will be sorted with each update rather than using the back and forth method that can require several rolls from both sides for a single action. I typically will use opposed rolls. If it's going to be a set difficulty I will say so at the outset.
Effect Dice
Some rolls won't require effect dice, but where they could come into play we will be using them. Roll your pool and choose two dice to represent your outcome total and one die to act as your effect die. Outcome dice cannot be used as effect dice. The number rolled counts for the outcome total, but only the type of die counts for your effect.