Nimue/Colin Young
Colin Young :: Bear
Hey, wanna try some of this? It's delicious and no one's vomited so far!

|| Cleverness || Tenacity
|| Finesse
|| Empathy

Checked SFX are active.
Hearth Distinction - Bear Partier
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
Party Time!: Let's get crazy! Step up one relationship die to a character and incur a d8 Exhausted complication.
- Unactivated SFX: Description
Wizarding World Distinction - Magical Gourmand
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
Iron Stomach: Progress wasn't made without chowing down! Spend 1 plot point to rename a food-related physical complication into a mental or social one and step it down by one.
- Here's a Sample: Try this and tell me what you think. Step down your Finesse die and gain a d8 Samples asset for one scene.
Free Distinction - Just Be Chill
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
- I'll Do It Later: There's no hurry in doing this right now. When you decide to procrastinate on something, gain 1 plot point.
- Deep Breaths: If you think about it, it's not stressful at all. Spend 1 plot point to step down a stress-related complication.

Freddie Young: Colin's father, a No-Mag and baker. Sparked his passion in food.
Sebastian D'Louis: Sort of took Colin under his wing to teach him culinary techniques.
Jonas Tanner: Colin's frail friend who also serves as a willing guinea pig for his creations in the hopes of having enough energy to stay on the Primlacrosse team. Distinction: Primlacrosse Player. Mastering Wand
Signature Assets 

- Colin's Wand
An 11" wand made of blackthorn wood housing the core of a jackalope's antler.
- Tumtum the Monkey (familiar)
1 A capuchin that helps Colin with cooking and taste-testing. His favourite kind of food is nuts.
1 Spent 1 customisation point to create the signature asset, and 1 customisation point to raise it to a .
Colin Young is a slightly heavyset teen. He is the son of a No-Mag baker and witch Healer, and received an invitation to Wildwood Academy on his 10th birthday. He does adequate work in his courses, though he has more of an interest in Florology/Faunology. In his third year, he asked Loremaster Meri to start a Magical Cuisine club to create new delicious dishes and has been a prominent member since its inception.