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M&M2e Stats

PL: 9 (146 pp)


In many ways Craig is the classic happy-go-lucky Aussie: friendly, dependable, and upbeat, almost to a a fault. It's rare to see him angry, even when fighting the most sinister forces of evil. Although extremely intelligent, given the choice, he'll always do something daring over something smart. And there's no one more excited to fight "supa-powered" bad guys...

Physical Appearance

When not in costume, Craig looks like a tan 5' 6", 150lb, athlete. As Clutch, he can vary the color of his rubberized body suit--dark blue or black for covert missions and garish "superball" colors when showing off.

Battle Tactics

"Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee." Since his powers require kinetic energy to operate, Clutch attempts to: 1. Engage a super-strong foe in hand-to-hand combat, or, 2: Get an ally to literally punch or hurl him into the fray. When possible he uses his elusiveness to stay away from energy projectors, and he outright avoids those who wield more esoteric powers.

Heroic Motivations

Clutch fights crime for the fun of it. And, of course, it's a great way to promote Rubber, Too (tm).


(who do you believe in or are you loyal to)

History & Heroic Origin

Originally motivated to find an indestructible, but flexible, substance to enhance his various extreme sports hobbies, Craig finally found a way to have some fun with his dual doctorates in Chemical Engineering and Materials Science. Developing a product called Rubber, Too (tm), he tested it relentlessly in the field. After founding Rubber, Too, Technologies (RTT), the brash young CEO decided to promote the company's flagship product himself.

3x3 NPCs


  • Adair Allen: The overworked CFO of RTT, Adair holds the reigns while Craig galavants around the world as Clutch. The business brains behind the operation Adair would have quit long ago were she not secretly in love with Craig.
  • Dr. Bruce Cannon-Brookes: Craig's eccentric father. Drove Craig to pursue a career in the sciences, despite his free-wheeling nature.
  • Atremis Locke: Eccentric billionaire financier and primary backer of RTT technologies. A congenital spine defect hasn't done anything to slow his rise as a global businessman. After making billions as an angel in the biotech sector, he's broadened his portfolio to include high-risk/edgy technology companies. He denies persistent rumors that he's only investing in technologies that will help him walk one day.


  • ???
  • ???
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  • Enemies? Who wouldn't love Clutch?


  • ???
  • ???
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  • Rubber, Too, Technologies (RTT): a Canberra-based, venture capital funded, cutting-edge materials science company founded in 2006 by Dr. Craig Cannon-Brookes (CEO) and Adair Allen (CFO). With a motto of "All bend—no break" RTT is pursuing strategic partnerships with Nike, Toyota, OXO (for their Good Grips product line), and Trojan.
  • Locke, Unlimited: Artemis Locke's investment company that's reportedly worth billions. LU has a vast network of scientists and researchers on retainer to evaluate the profitability and feasibility of emerging technologies. One of the least known and most profitable companies in New Zealand.
  • Open Hand Initiative: RTT's not for profit wing. Open Hand trains inner city kids to play various extreme sports. When not fighting crime, Craig leads Open Hand outings himself.

V&V meets M&M in ... "PROJECT VIGILANCE"