Bryce Crofton

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Sir Bryce Crofton, Bt KCMG :: The Aspiring Historian

"History is the attempt of the few to tell the stories of millions. A common idiom tells us that piecing together the records of multiple historians lets us glimpse the truth, but such wisdom is flawed as it fails to account for what is specifically not in the history books. Just as a soldier might have seen things in combat that are too painful to share, we must also consider that there are sections of history that were too horrifying to document."

Excerpt from Events Unseen: Investigating Societal Changes That Are Disproportionate To The Historical Turning Points They Are Attributed To written in 1891 by Sir Bryce Crofton Bt KCMG.

Archetype :: Landed Gentry

The heir to the Baronetcy of the Croftons of Brick Street and Bright Hall. Knight Commander of the Order of St Michael and St George. A decorated Army Major who retired early and tried his hand at becoming a historian. and author.


AGE 40 | HT 6'1" | WT 180 LBS | SKIN Tanned | EYES/HAIR Green, Salt and Pepper

STR 13 Broad-houldered | CON 13 Hale | DEX 9 | INT 11 | POW 13 Resolute | CHA 13 Engaging

HP: 13/13 | WP 13 | SAN 65 | BR 52 | MS 99 | RS 65

Damage Bonus: +1


Administration 10% Alertness 40% Anthropology 30%
Appraise 10% Archaeology 10% Art: Writing 30%
Athletics 30% Charm 20% Craft 10%
Disguise 10% Dodge 50% Drive 20%
Empire Lore: British 50% Firearms 40% First Aid 10%
Foreign Lan 0% Harangue 10% Heavy Machinery 10%
History 60% Insight 50% Law: British 50%
Mechanical Knack 0% Medicine 0% Melee Weapons 30%
Military Training 30% Navigate 10% Occult 10%
Persuade 50% Pilot 10% Reassure 10%
Regional Lore: British Isles 60% Research 30% Ride 10%
Scavenge 10% Science 0% Search 30%
Social Etiquette 60% Stealth 10% Streetwise 0%
Surgery 0% Survival 10% Swim 20%
Theology 10% Unarmed Combat 40% Unnatural 0%

* Native Language: English

Resources and Bonds


GEAR .... | ...| ...

BONDS 0 Individual | 0 Community

Academia: ...
Aristocracy: ...
Military: ...
Research Assistant: ...
Sister: ...

