Sapphire River at Midnight
Solar Exalted, Eclipse Caste
Motivation: A closely guarded secret
* Nexus has some problems now, but it is unique, and will shine like a diamond if she has her way. * The Dragonblooded are not inherently evil, just horribly, horribly misguided. * The circle can accomplish great things, and she will protect them, even from themselves * Lu Fei is handy to have around
Charisma 4, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3
Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3
Martial Arts: 5, Athletics: 2, Awareness: 3, Stealth: 2, Integrity: 2, Performance: 5, Presence: 3, Resistence: 5, Survival: 1, Bureucracy: 1, Linguistics: 2, Ride: 2, Socialize: 3, Lore: 1, Occult: 5
Sorcery: 1
Resources: 3, Manse: 5, Followers: 3
Compassion: 3, Conviction: 3, Temperance: 1, Valor: 2
Soak: 3B/1L
Health: 0 / -1 / -1 / -1 / -2 / -2 / -2 / -2 / -4 / Inc
Essence 5, Willpower 6
Essence Pool: 21 Personal, 42 Peripheral, (8 Comm.)
Regular Combat: Dodge DV 4, Parry DV 6
Social Combat: Dodge MDV 6, Parry MDV 5 (Form - 9, 7)
Bitter Resolution: Speed 4, Acc +2, Dam +3, Def +4, Rate 4
Dragon's Tear Tiara
Jade Hearthstone Bracers
- Gem of Grace: (LV 3 Solar) Adds 3 dice to Charisma and Manipulation rolls
- Jewel of the Graceful Courtier: (LV 2 Solar) Same effects as "Mastery of Small Manners"
- Adder's Eye: (LV 3 Wood) Adds coral snake venom to attacks
Unspent Experience: 12