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What is this? Why? 

The Boring Hack (TBH) is a traditional tabletop roleplaying game, played with paper, pencils and dice - it uses that Original 1970s Fantasy Roleplaying Game as a base. But it adds and takes away elements to make it a distinct streamlined flavour of the original roleplaying game.

So: why?

The design intent is to evoke the novels of H.Rider Haggard, A.Conan Doyle, Fritz Lieber, R.E. Howard, and Talbot Mundy: low or no magic, adventurous action, without the bits of high fantasy that I feel detract and distract from the drama of characters taking real risks.

And: what's different about this exactly?

  • magic is OPTIONAL (liking the drama of adventure without instahealing or easy kills)
  • if you do magic, anyone can use it, and there are no spell slots (don't liking special spellcasting classes or slots-by-level)
  • Hit Dice are MENTAL (HEAD dice) and PHYSICAL (BODY dice) to represent effectiveness and resistance (liking Warriors who are sturdy and dangerous, but not so bright or sociable; Experts who are less sturdy but more charismatic and clever)
  • Armor can block damage, but it can get broken (liking frangible protection)
  • retaining d20 to-hit and to-avoid saves from Black Hack (because liking dodecahedra rolls)

The Boring Hack 

(This is The Boring Hack of The Black Hack v1.2 - 2016-04-03)

An ‘OSR’ First Edition Hack
developed by
Tibbius from work by DAVID BLACK


With elements borrowed from ‘original’ era rpg gaming and modern d20 theory.


In no particular order - Nate Treme, Jason Tocci, David Black, Peter Regan, Tony Tucker, Olav Nygård, Chris McDowall, Mick Reddick, Eric Nieudan, Brian Wille, Jarret Crader, Greg Welty, All the work the Grognards have put into the game, UK OSR Hangouts crew, Everyone who backed the Kickstarter (you're all ace!) plus all those other people who had a hand in developing the hobby we get so much mileage from.

The core mechanic 

Everything a character might possibly attempt that could result in failure is resolved by testing attribute stats, in order to successfully test a stat - a player must roll below it on a d20.

Monsters don’t make tests - a character must avoid their attacks by making a test, the only time a monster would roll is for damage.

Rolling stats 

Stats are generated with 3d6 in the following order Strength (STR), Dexterity (DEX), Constitution (CON), Intelligence (INT), Wisdom (WIS), Charisma (CHA). Once all stats are generated 2 may be swapped around.

Choose a class 

There are 2 choices: Warrior or Expert. Your class determines your Hit Dice and unique abilities.

When you make a melee or missile attack, you roll your unwounded BODY Dice to learn how much damage you inflict. When you suffer damage, you roll your unwounded BODY Dice to see whether you withstand the damage. When you make a social or intellectual effort, you roll your unspent HEAD Dice to see how much you accomplish. When you suffer embarrassment or frustration, you roll your unspent HEAD Dice to find out whether you persevere.

You start with two Hit Dice: one HEAD Die and one BODY Die. You gain one Hit Die per level.

Buy equipment 

Every new character starts with 3d6 x 10 coins with which to buy their equipment. They also start with a set of clothes and a one handed weapon as allowed by their class.

Gambeson 50 d4
Leather 110 d6
Chain Mail 190 d8
Plate & Mail 300 d10
Shield Small/Large 50/100 d4/d6
Backpack 5 -
Flask of oil 2 d6
Work Tools 2 -
Holy Symbol 25 -
Holy Water 25 d4
Iron Spikes 1 -
Lantern 10 -
Handheld mirror 5 -
Preserved Rations 15 d8
Fresh Rations 5 d4
50' Rope 1 -
Small Sack 1 -
Large Sack 2 -
Thieves Tools 25 -
Flint & Steel 3 -
Torches (6) 1 d6
Wineskin 1 d6
Wine 1 -
Assorted Common Herbs 10 d8
10' Pole 1 -
Quiver of Arrows / Bolts 10 d10
1-Handed Weapon (incl. sling) 25 -
2-Handed Weapon (incl. bow) 50 -

NOTES :: Backpack lets you carry +2 extra items. Holy symbol gives +2 to WIS when banishing. Each Torch has a Usage Die.

Usage die 

Any item listed in the equipment section that has a Usage Die is considered a consumable, limited item. When that item is used, the next Moment (turn) its Usage die is rolled. If the roll is 1-2 then the usage die is downgraded to the next lower die in the following chain:

d20 > d12 > d10 > d8 > d6 > d4

When you roll a 1-2 on a d4 the item is expended and the character has no more of it left.


Armor provides protection by soaking up incoming damage. Each type has a Usage Die, and will cancel Damage Dice that are less than a roll of its Usage Die. Rolling 1-2 on its Usage Die reduces the die size as usual. Armor (damaged or otherwise) can be upgraded to the next higher Usage Die by spending coins equal to 10 times a roll of its current Usage Die plus a roll of the next higher Usage Die.

Humanoid opponents may have armor, which characters could seize. They also can carry shields.

Armor proficiency 

If a character wears armor that is not listed in their class, they roll with disadvantage to Attack or Avoid Damage.

Converting saves 

The Boring Hack ignores saves and instead asks the player to roll attribute tests when any obstacle or event could cause them harm or disgrace - using the below as a guide.

STR Physical Harm that cannot be dodged.
DEX Physical Harm that can be dodged.
CON Poison, Disease or Death.
INT Resisting Spells and Magic.
WIS Deception and Illusions.
CHA Charming effects.

Players turn 

During a player’s turn a character may move and perform an action. They could attack, look for a clue, talk with an NPC, cast a spell - interacting with the world is an action. Often they will test their attributes to determine the outcome.

Time & turns 

There are 2 important types of tracked time - Ounces (rounds) and Moments (turns). According to Wikipedia, a Moment is one 40th of a solar hour; an Ounce is one 12th of a Moment (about 8 seconds). Ounces are used during combat and fast paced scenes of danger and Moments are used when exploring and adventuring. You can stroll the length of a football pitch in a Moment. A GM may advance the clock as they need substituting Moments for Hours, Days or even Months should the adventure require it.

Movement & distance 

Rather than track precise numbers, TBH uses 4 abstract ranges for measuring distances. Close, Nearby, Distant, and Far-Away. On their turn every character can move somewhere Nearby as part of an action, performing that action at any stage of the move. They can forgo their action and move somewhere Distant instead. Anything beyond Distant can be classified as Far-Away and would take 3 moves to get to.

This system is designed to support the narrative ‘theatre of the mind’ style of play, and is less concerned about tracking squares and fiddly distances. For converting existing movement rates or measures (for spells or areas of effect) use the following as a guide :

0 - 5ft 5 - 60ft 60 - 120ft


When combat breaks out, everyone must be sorted into an order so they each get to act and react in turn. Every character tests their DEX, those that succeed, take their turn before their opponents, they must then act as a group - deciding their own order for actions. Those that fail their DEX tests, go after their opponents. A 20 indicates no action this Ounce. A 1 indicates the character acts before and after the opponents. Repeat initiative each round.

Monster HD 

A monster's HD represent its level, how much damage it deals, and how much damage it can take. All monster HD are d8.

Attacking, defending & damage 

  1. Roll an attack.

    1. When a character attacks a creature, they hit it if they roll below their STR stat for a Melee Attack or DEX for a Ranged Attack.

    2. On the other hand, when a creature attacks, the character avoids being hit if they roll below their STR against a Melee Attack or DEX against a Ranged Attack to avoid taking damage. A GM will often give the stat required for the test.

    To make a Melee Attack an opponent must be Close. Ranged Attacks can be made against opponents who are not Far Away, but the attacker suffers a disadvantage when attacking Close or Distant opponents.

  2. When a character or monster hits a target, they roll all of their unwounded BODY Dice as Damage Dice.

  3. The target then rolls the Usage Die for any Armor that they have. Ignore Damage Dice that show less than the Armor Die.

  4. For each one of the attacker's Hit Dice that equals or beats the target's Armor Die, wound one of the target's Hit Dice that shows a smaller number.

Example of Play

Level 3 Expert (3d6 BODY) attacks 2 HD Warrior (2d8 BODY) with a club. Warrior is wearing leather armor (d6) and has a small shield (d4).

Assume that Expert makes the STR save for the club attack, and that it is not a sneak attack. Expert then rolls BODY Dice (4,5,3) for damage. Warrior rolls armor usage die (3), shield usage die (4), and BODY Dice (3,4). Expert's TWO dice (5,4) that are equal or greater than the armor dice wound TWO of the Warrior's BODY Dice (3 is less than 4, 4 is less than 5). The Warrior is OofA (see below).

Death & dying 

When a character is reduced to zero BODY Dice they are taken Out of Action (OofA), they are unconscious and cannot make any actions. When the fight is over/are out of danger, a character that is taken OofA can roll on the table (following page) to see what happens to them. If they survive they gain back 1 BODY Die.

If the characters are unable to recover the body of an OofA character, they are lost forever!

Two handed weapons 

Larger, more deadly weapons are handled simply by adding +1d4 to Attack and Avoid tests, and rolling the next bigger BODY Dice for their damage. They deal additional damage, but are also harder to hit with.

Critical damage 

If a player making an attack rolls a 1, they ignore Armor. If they roll a 20 when avoiding an attack, they ignore Armor.


Characters can restore all wounded BODY Dice, and all spent HEAD Dice, after a meal and a good sleep. They can never gain more than their maximum Hit Dice - and can never go below zero either. When healing a character who is OofA, just start at zero and count up. That character is now back on their feet and no longer OofA.

1 KO’d - Just knocked out.
2 Fat Head - Disadvantage on all tests for the next hour.
3 Cracked Bones - STR, DEX and CON are temp. -2

for the next day.

4 Crippled - STR or DEX is permanently reduced by 2
5 Disfigured - CHA reduced to 4.
6 Dead - Not alive anymore.

Advantage & disadvantage 

A GM may decide that a particular course of action or task has a higher or lower chance of success. They will ask a player to roll an additional d20 when making a test - with advantage the lower result is used and with disadvantage, the higher.


Adventurers learn through defeating and overcoming obstacles. Killing one boring Kobold won’t bring a revelation of learning to someone. Surviving a dungeon, completing a quest or simply living to tell the tale are the things that bring perspective and growth. The old experience system has been completely discarded.

For every session / dungeon level / quest / major event the character survives they gain a level.

The GM will decide which, and it’s recommended that this decision remains more or less a constant throughout the campaign - and a GM should be clear and upfront with the players so they know where the ‘goalposts’ are.

Gaining levels 

When a character levels up, they gain another of their Body Dice or Head Dice. Also a player should roll a d20 for each Stat, if the result is higher - that Stat increases by 1.


A character can carry a number of items equal to their STR with no issues. Carrying over this amount means they are encumbered and all attribute tests are taken with Disadvantage - you can also only ever move to somewhere Nearby. They simply cannot carry more than double their STR.

Class weapons 

When using a weapon not listed in their class, combat tests have Disadvantage.

Random encounters 

The GM should roll a d4 every 15 Moments of real world play (you are paying attention, right?) A result of 1-2 means the players will encounter a randomly generated creature or distraction in the following Moments (turn).

Creature reactions 

Some monsters and NPCs will have predetermined personalities and goals that will guide a GM when choosing their actions and feelings towards the characters. Those that do not, such as randomly encountered creatures, make a Reaction roll on the following table :

Roll Reaction
1 Flee then roll again.
2 Avoid the PCs entirely.
3 Trade with PCs.
4 Give the PCs aid.
5 Mistake the PCs for friends.
6 Trick the PCs (roll again)
7 Call for Reinforcements.
8 Capture/Kill/Eat the PCs.


BODY Die : d8
HEAD Die : d6
Weapons & Armor : Any and All

Special features 

As part of their action, a Warrior can make 1 attack per level.

In any successful melee attack, before rolling damage, a Warrior can choose to describe and perform a stunt, consistent with the fiction, that could negate the opponent’s next attack and also grant the Warrior advantage on their own next attack against that opponent. The stunt will be effective, and the Warrior will deal no damage, if the Warrior’s highest Damage Die shows a larger number than the opponent’s highest Hit Die.

If a Warrior fails a STR or DEX test and would be dealt damage from an attack, they can opt to sunder (destroy) their shield - if they have one equipped - and ignore the damage.

Leveling up 

Roll to see if attributes increase, roll twice for STR and DEX.


BODY Die : d6
HEAD Die : d8
Weapons & Armor : All Swords, All Bows, Daggers, Gambeson, Leather, Small Shields

Special features 

Roll with Advantage when testing DEX to avoid damage or effects from traps and magical devices.

Rolls with Advantage when attacking from behind and deals double the Hit Dice of damage.

Rolls with Advantage when performing delicate tasks, climbing, hearing sounds, moving silently, understanding written languages and opening locks.

Can try to build stuff with a successful INT or DEX save, adequate time and materials. Roll HEAD Dice - the highest die determines the Usage Die of whatever is built.

Leveling up 

Roll to see if attributes increase, roll twice for DEX or WIS.

Optional rules


Some players would like to engage with firearms. These special ranged weapons are effective from Nearby to Far-Away (for longarms) or from Close to Distant (for handguns). For handguns, roll with disadvantage at Close or Distant range; for longarms, roll with disadvantage at Far-Away targets. For damage, roll the shooter's HEAD Dice against the target's BODY Dice.

Mounted combat 

For some players, it may be evident that fighting from a mount against dismounted opponents grants advantage, or that fighting from the ground against a mounted opponent grants disadvantage. For other players, we have this paragraph.

Social conflict mechanism 

Using HEAD Dice and CHA tests to "attack," with WIS tests to "defend," players can mechanize the game of social conflict. In this case, it is the Expert who has the option to "stunt" on a social gambit.

Banishing undead 

A character can attempt to banish all Nearby or Distant undead as an action. Each time they attempt this, they must successfully test their WIS and then roll their unspent HEAD Dice against the Hit Dice of all the undead, as if making a physical attack. If an undead creature's highest Hit Die is less than the character's highest HEAD Die, it is Banished.

Undead monsters that are Banished must move and remain Far-Away for 2d4 Moments after being Banished.

Magic items 

Magic weapons typically add +1 to any attribute being tested whilst using the weapon and +1 to each damage dice rolled. More powerful weapons (+2/3) can be found if the GM includes them.

Magic Armor has advantage on rolls of its Usage Die, but otherwise works per the normal Armor rules.

Traditional OSR games deal with magic items by adding +1 or +2 to attack rolls and AC. If the GM intends to give out stronger magic armor (+2/3) to high level players, carefully consider making the Usage Die one size bigger.


If magic is in the game, any character has the ability to cast spells.

They can cast any spell they know by reading from a book, or can memorise a number of spells equal to their HEAD Dice and can cast the memorised spells without a book. When a memorised spell is cast it is not forgotten.

Once a spell is cast the character must test their WIS/INT - adding the spell's level to the roll. If they fail, then they spend a number of HEAD Dice corresponding to the spell level. If they don't have that many unspent HEAD Dice, then they wound enough BODY Dice to make up the difference. Casting a spell can take you OofA.

If a character uses a spell that calls for its target to make a save, then in addition to telling whether HEAD Dice were spent, the character's test of their own INT or WIS also shows whether their magic was powerful enough to overcome the target's defences.

Spell list 

Level 1

  • Cure Light Wounds : Heal 1 Hit Die of a Nearby target.
  • Detect Evil : Everything Nearby that is evil glows - 5mins.
  • Illusory Torch : Create a phantom torch that can be held in the hand or put down. It has a d6 Usage Die.
  • Protection from Evil : Advantage on all harmful tests from an Evil source - 1hr.
  • Purify Food and Drink : Removes all diseases from all Nearby food and drink.
  • Charm : A Nearby target obeys commands. Test WIS each turn to see if the effect lasts.
  • Detect Magic : Everything Nearby that is magic glows - 5mins.
  • Magic Missile : Roll the caster's unspent HEAD Dice against a Close, Nearby, or Distant target.
  • Shield : Gain an invisible and featherweight Large Shield. Armor proficiency rules apply.
  • Sleep : Puts 4d6 Hit Dice of beings to sleep - 8hrs.

Level 2

  • Darkness : Creates darkness covering a Nearby area that blocks all types of vision - 1hr.
  • Invisibility : A nearby creature is made invisible until it attacks or dispelled.
  • Knock : A Nearby door or lock is opened.
  • Levitate : The caster floats up to 6 feet from the ground - 10mins/level.
  • Web : Traps a Nearby area, stopping movement. Test WIS/hr to see if the effect lasts.
  • Bless : Nearby allies gain +1 to stats when making attacks and saves - 1hr.
  • Find Traps : Notice all nearby traps - 10mins.
  • Hold Person : Paralyse 1d4 Nearby targets. Test WIS each turn to see if the effect lasts.
  • Silence : Magical silence covering everything Nearby to a target - 1hr.
  • Speak with Animals : Can understand and talk with animals - 1hr.

Level 3

  • Daylight : A nearby area is illuminated by sunlight - 1hr.
  • Cure Disease : Cures a Nearby target of all diseases.
  • Locate Object : Sense direction of a known object - 1 Moment/level.
  • Prayer : All Nearby allies make or defend against attacks with Advantage - 1d4 Ounces.
  • Remove Curse : Removes a curse from a Nearby target.
  • Speak with Dead : Ask a Nearby corpse 3 questions.
  • Darkvision : See in absolute darkness - 10min/level.
  • Dispel Magic : Removes a Nearby Arcane spell.
  • Fireblast : Roll all the caster's unspent HEAD Dice against all Close and Nearby creatures.
  • Read Language/Magic : Read all languages and magic - 10mins.
  • Magic Mouth : Creates an illusory mouth that repeats a phrase to all Nearby creatures.

Level 4

  • Confusion : 2d6 Nearby targets immediately make a Reaction roll.
  • Dimension Door : Teleport a target to a Distant Location.
  • Polymorph Self/Other : Transform a creature to have the appearance of another.
  • Remove Curse : Removes a curse from a Nearby target.
  • Wall of Fire/Ice : Wall covers a Nearby area, WIS to attack Close targets (3d6) - 10mins.
  • Wall of Stone/Iron : A wall covers a Nearby area - 1hr.
  • Create Food/Water : Create enough food/water for all Nearby creatures for a day.
  • Cure Serious Wounds : Roll caster's unspent HEAD Dice; each odd one heals one Hit Die of a Nearby target.
  • Neutralise Poison : Remove/Immunise poison from a Nearby target - 10mins.
  • Protection from Evil : Nearby allies gain invisible and weightless Chain Armor, only against evil creatures - 10mins.

Level 5

  • Animate Dead : Create 2d4 Skeletons/Zombies with HD/level, from nearby bodies.
  • Cloudkill : Anyone with less than 5HD that touches it must test INT or be OofA – 1hr.
  • Conjure Elemental : Create an Elemental of chosen type with 3d4 HD.
  • Contact Higher Plane : Ask 1 question/level.
  • Feeblemind : Reduce a Nearby target's INT to 4 - 10mins/level.
  • Telekinesis : Move Nearby objects - 1hr.
  • Teleport : Transports a Nearby target to any place known to the caster.
  • Commune : The Cleric's deity truthfully answers 3 questions - 10mins.
  • Dispel Evil : Removes a Nearby Divine (Evil) spell.
  • Finger of Death : Choose a Nearby target and test WIS, if a pass the target is OofA.
  • Plague : Test WIS for each Nearby target, those that are beaten roll all their Hit Dice and the odd ones are wounded.
  • Quest : Force a Nearby creature to obey an order.
  • Raise Dead : Return a Nearby willing target to life, who's died within the last 7 days.

Level 6

  • Anti Magic Shell : Creates a Nearby Zone around the caster blocking all magic.
  • Death Spell : 2d8 Nearby targets with 7HD or fewer die.
  • Disintegrate : Makes one Nearby target or object turn into a fine powder.
  • Invisible Stalker : Summons an extra-dimensional monster to perform one task.
  • Stone to Flesh : Turns a Nearby target into stone (or vice versa).
  • Animate Object : Give a Nearby object motion and a simple intelligence - 10mins.
  • Blade Barrier : Wall covers a Nearby area, roll caster's Hit Dice against all creatures that are Close to the wall - 10mins.
  • Conjure Elemental : Summons an elemental with HD equal to caster's lvl -1hr.
  • Find Path : The path to a chosen location is made known - 1hr.
  • Speak with Monsters : Can understand and talk with monsters - 1hr.
  • Word of Recall : Give ability to teleport back to the location this spell was cast - 1year.

Level 7

  • Aerial Servant : Summons a servant to recover a distant object.
  • Astral Spell : Projects an avatar of the caster onto a chosen plane - 1hr.
  • Control Weather : Control the Nearby weather to all extremes - 10mins.
  • Earthquake : Test WIS for all Nearby creatures, passes are taken OofA.
  • Holy Word : Nearby creatures with less than 5HD die, 6-10HD paralysed for 1d4 turns.
  • Wind Walk : Turn into mist and back, at will - 1day.
  • Restoration : Returns all levels lost to monsters with level drain.
  • Limited Wish : Change reality in a limited way or time.
  • Power Word, Kill : A Nearby target with 9 Hit Dice or fewer dies and cannot be resurrected.
  • Conjuration of Demons : Summons a Demon with 2HD/level.
  • Meteor Swarm : Effects the same as casting Fireball 4 times.
  • Time Stop : Stops time completely in a Nearby area - 1d4+1 Ounces.


Creature :: HD :: Actions and Specials

Fire Beetle :: 1 :: Light glands have a usage die of d8.
Giant Vampire Bat :: 1 :: 1d6 damage next moment after attack.
Deadly Centipede :: 1 :: Bite (0) plus CON test or ‘OofA’.
Manes Demon :: 1 :: 2 Claws + 1 Bite, Half damage from non-magic weapons
Goblin :: 1 :: Sneaky.
Hobgoblin :: 1 :: Usually has a backup shield if one is sundered.
Human Berserker :: 1 :: Disadvantage on defense rolls when Berserker attacks.
Giant Ant Warrior :: 2 :: Poisonous Bite + CON test to avoid 2 extra HD damage.
Carrion Creeper :: 2 :: Bite (1) + 6 Tentacles + CON test or Paralysed.
Ghoul :: 2 :: CON test or Paralysed.
Bugbear :: 3 :: All DEX tests are rolled with disadvantage.
Harpy :: 3 :: Song - CHA test or PCs must move towards it.
Wererat :: 3 :: Cannot gain Advantage when attempting to surprise a Wererat.
Shadow :: 3 :: Touch (-1 STR), only hit by magic weapons.
Doppleganger :: 3 :: Change form in a moment, disadvantage against magic tests.
Wight :: 3 :: Can only be hit by magical or silver weapons, wounded Hit Dice are lost until Wight's curse is Removed.
Blink Dog :: 4 :: Teleport Nearby once per fight.
Grizzly Bear :: 4 :: 2 claws + if both hit hug for another damage roll.
Gargoyle :: 4 :: 2 claws + 1 bite + 1 horn.
Gelatinous Cube :: 4 :: CON test on touch or be Paralysed, immune to cold and lightning.
Werewolf :: 4 :: Only silver weapons can hurt it.
Ogre :: 4 :: Gives advantage on all CHA tests made against it.
Cockatrice :: 5 :: CON test or Petrified.
Owlbear :: 5 :: 2 claws + 1 bite + Hug if roll to avoid is 17-20.
Basilisk :: 6 :: CON test on eye contact or be petrified.
Succubus/Incubus :: 6 :: 2 Claws, Advantage on magic tests, immune to non magic weapons, kiss permanently wounds 1 Hit Die until curse is Removed. Can cast Charm person (spell) once per hour.
Mummy :: 6 :: Attacks stop healing until cure wounds cast, immune to normal weapons, half damage from magic weapons.
Banshee :: 7 :: Shriek - CON test or Paralysed for 2d6 Ounces.
Djinni :: 7 :: Can take Gaseous Form, Create Objects, Create Illusions, Cast Invisibility (spell) as action.
Spectre :: 8 :: A person killed by a Spectre will become a Spectre in 1d6 Moments.
Chimera :: 8 :: 2 Claws + 2 Goat horns + 1 Lion bite + 1 Dragon bite or Breathes fire as a Dragon (all Nearby targets).
Balor Demon :: 9 :: Sword + Whip ()DEX test or be pulled Close to the Balor and burnt for fire damage).
Hezrou Demon :: 9 :: 2 Claws + 1 Bite, Cause Fear (as per Banish) or Darkness (spell) - each once per fight.
Black Pudding :: 10 :: Metal objects that touch it melt the next moment.
Frost Giant :: 10 :: Throws boulders or great chunks of ice.
Stone Golem :: 12 :: Only spells that affect rock or stone work, weapons must be +2 or better to damage it.
Giant Slug :: 12 :: Spit Acid - d4+2 nearby targets (1d12) test DEX for 1/2 damage.
Dragon :: 9 to 11 :: 2 Claws + Bite, Breathes fire - all Nearby targets. Has memorised 1 spell of 1st - 3rd level per Hit Die.

Long example of play 

DM : So you're in the sewer, knee deep in muck, it's dark and to the north there's a portcullis, what do you want to do?
Level 2 Expert : Is the portcullis Nearby?
DM : Yeah.
Expert : I'll move to it and as my action I’ll check it for traps.
Level 3 Warrior : Assuming it's safe, I want to bend the bars.
DM : Ok, Expert, it's kind of dim in here. That would put you at a disadvantage to check for traps.
Expert : So before I check traps, I want to cast Illusory Torch.
DM : Ok, well test your Intelligence, that's higher than your Wisdom. If you fail, you spend one HEAD Die.
Expert : *rolls* Made it!
DM : Good stuff, you are holding an Illusory Torch. Check Wisdom to look for traps.
Expert : *rolls* I need to roll under, not on it, right?
DM : That's right.
Expert : Damn, I failed.
DM : You're confident it's free of anything designed to do you harm, Warrior, still want to bend the bars? If so test your Strength!
Warrior : *rolls* Piece of cake!
DM : Huh. The Expert didn't notice that the edges of the bars are sharpened. You find out by cutting your hands. Wound one of your BODY Dice. What would you like to do now?
Warrior : Explore down the tunnel..?
Expert : Agreed! I'll sneak ahead.
DM : Ok Expert, you move down the sewer, still Nearby to Warrior, please test your Dexterity to see how quiet you are - remember you get Advantage on tests when sneaking, roll two d20's and choose the result you like.
Expert : *rolls* despite rolling two dice I’ve got a 17 and 19. What are the odds?
DM : Ouch. You're making so much noise being sneaky, a Ghoul hiding in the darkness close to you leaps and attacks!
Expert : Bugger!
DM : Initiative time! Everyone test their Dexterity, passing means you act before the Ghoul, failing means you go after. Expert you test with Disadvantage.
Warrior : I go before.
DM : Expert?
Expert : How long was it to roll up a character again? I go after.
Warrior : I want to run down the sewer and smash the Ghoul with my Broadsword.
DM : Ok Warrior, you move Close to the Ghoul. Test your Strength to see if you hit it.
Warrior : *rolls* Rolled a 7! *rolls again* Got 8, 4, and 6 for damage.
DM : *rolls* 5 and 8. Good hit! The Ghoul's down to 1 Hit Die. Now the Ghoul's turn. Expert test your Dexterity to try and dodge the Ghoul's paralysing claws and bite. Remember the +1.
Expert : *rolls* Ugh! 18.
DM : Oh dear. You feel a painful numbing sensation run through your body. Test your Constitution, if you fail the Ghoul paralyses you.
Expert : *rolls* Ah ...
DM : Yes. Warrior, you see the Expert fall limply into the muck, what do you do?
Warrior : I'll hit the Ghoul again ...

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Adapted from a website made by Bruno Bord under OGL - 2016, based on David Black & Peter Regan work -- Github project