Cremator, The Undead Destroyer

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“CREMATOR” The Undead Destroyer

Intelligent / Ego Weapon; Ancient

Flame Tongue.jpg

AD&D 2e Weapon Specs

  • Flame Tongue; +1 Sword
    • +2 vs. regenerating creatures
    • +3 vs cold-using, inflammable & avian creatures
    • +4 vs. undead
  • Special Purpose: Slay/Destroy Undead
  • Special Purpose Power: Instantaneous Cremation of Corporeal Undead (save)
  • Intelligence: High
  • Communication: Speech & Telepathy
  • Ego: Very High
  • Level: Very High
  • Age: Ancient; 10,000+ yrs

Standard Powers

  • The blade bursts into magical flame and sheds light only when its Bearer speaks the Command Word “Immolate!” (“Zznuff.” to extinguish.)
  • This flame illuminates a 15ft radius area as brightly as a torch and easily ignites oil, burns webs, and sets fire to paper, parchment, dry wood, etc.

Other Powers

  • 1) Detect Undead. Flame changes to Green within 120ft. Detect direction and distance up to 1200ft: 100% accurate. Up to 1 mile: 75% accurate. Up to 10 miles: 50% accurate. Beyond 10 miles: Unreliable.
  • 2) Protection vs Undead 15ft radius. Light from the Flame acts as Protection from Undead 15ft radius, unless Bearer attacks.
  • 3) Turn Undead. Grants the Clerical Power to Turn Undead; non-corporeal only.
  • 4) Protection vs Undead Possession & Control. Protects the Sword and the Bearer.
  • 5) Undead Knowledge Repository: Consciousness of the Sword retains all information from Its long existence, especially accurate and detailed information related in ANY way to the Undead.
  • 6) Transfer Consciousness & Magic of the Sword. Can transfer to any long bladed weapon, preferably a sword. (NOTE: This Power is usable ONLY by the Sentience of the Sword; Cremator.)

ADRPG Conversions

  • [24 pips]
  • 4 Specialized Damage
    • Extra-Hard Damage 1 Standard.
    • Double Damage 2 w/Magical Flame & vs Regenerating Creatures.
    • Deadly Damage 4 vs Cold-Using, Inflammable, Avian & Undead Creatures.
  • 4 Special Power: Cremate Corporeal Undead.
  • 4 Tongues & Voices.
  • 4 Extraordinary Psychic Sense.
  • 2 Psychic Neutral.
  • 6 Other Powers as listed above (1 pip each)

Standard Personality

When not in the presence of Undead or On the Hunt for Undead, Cremator is silent and would seem nothing more than a standard magical Flame Tongue. However, once Undead are Detected, no matter how far away, or the rumor of Undead is heard, no matter how vague, Cremator becomes Insistent about finding the Undead, Persistent about the matter, Pushy if the matter is not pursued, and Aggressive if ignored... and this is when Cremator will try to Influence or Control the Bearer in order to find and slay the Undead it has Detected or heard about. Cremator acts Superior and is generally Blunt, Forward, Egotistical, and Arrogant. Cremator usually talks down to everyone, sometimes even Its Bearer, and will usually be Condescending and Rude to anyone not Its Bearer. Cremator is THE Authority on Undead (It thinks) and believes It should be Honored and treated with Respect, even Reverence, befitting Its Magnificence. Cremator's vast knowledge of the Undead is shared with Its Bearer as Cremator sees fit, but It is usually more loquacious and forthcoming with useful information the closer It gets to slaying the Undead.

Current Personality

After having existed for over 10,000 years and having spent the last 2,500 years with an Elven Bearer, the greatest Undead Slayer that Cremator has ever known, the next 500 years were frustrating beyond imagining for Cremator. Its next Bearer was less than worthy, had a short life span which ended sooner than expected, and the following Bearer was even worse and lasted even less time... and so on and so on went the downward spiral of less and less worthy Bearers for nearly five centuries.

At that time, the World that Cremator was on was changing, or had already changed; it was being ruled by a Vampire Lord, in secret, of course. Undead Slayers were hunted in secret by the Vampire Lord's Agents, and so were in short supply... as were magical weapons designed to slay The Undead, most were destroyed by the Agents upon discovery. So, Cremator grew more cautious, and finally grew more patient with Its Bearers, more talkative and more interactive, and eventually developed a more Congenial Personality, much more suitable for keeping a Bearer's continued 'friendship'. Cremator also began instructing Its Bearers in Its' array of Powers and the ways of Undead Slaying, based upon Its' multi millennia of experience; the Bearers lived longer and accomplished more of Cremator's goals of Slaying the Undead. Over the course of the next few centuries Cremator had many Bearers; It became even more patient, and an even better Instructor, and became less and less inclined to Influence or Control a Bearer to do Its' bidding.

Cremator's most recent Bearer was a Shadow Traveler passing through the World of the Sword's creation, a world, up to that point, Cremator had been unable to leave. A World as it turns out is one of Realmer's Personal Shadows. Over the course of the next few decades Cremator traveled to many worlds, all quite different from Its 'home world', but all with Undead problems to solve... except the last; which seemed devoid of the Undead completely. But on an ill-fated night, Cremator's Bearer died after a battle; a failed Undead Raising Ritual in a forgotten grave yard with no burial markers out in the middle of nowhere. The Bearer had a Vision just before death which he shared with the Sword; his final words were: 'Your next Bearer to come... a Shadow Walker... an Immortal... a Gamer who already knows you. Your Destiny's are intertwined.' And then the Sword Bearer died, the Sword fell from his grasp, and there It lies in that forgotten unmarked graveyard in the middle of nowhere, still to this day, awaiting the arrival of Its next Bearer.