Hyper Core - World
Continent of Izia.
The continental map before the war, and now 1 year into the war.
After initial gains against Kiarland and Nairenia in the north and west the assault stalled. Six months ago, Ridengar launched an attack on Nairenia and Tace from the south, securing the whole southern portion of the peninsula while their forces were away. With each nation trying to defend its own borders, cooperation is almost nonexistent.
Tace Confederacy
The nation of Tace was formed hundreds of years ago by willing alliance between Westiano, Ardmoore and Balesier.
Ridengar Commonwealth
Ridengar Army

The Ridengar Army uses olive drab for their field uniforms and vehicles, with purple markings.
This is actually a special forces soldier (hence the black uniform) but the Army uses an olive drab version, with purple stripes.
The Infantry section of the Ridengar Army is the most varied, with pathfinders, urban combat specialists, demolitions experts, and all manner of other skillsets.
Ridengar Armored Transport
The workhorse of the Ridengar Army. Although it doesn't carry any weapons, each transport can carry two full squads and a handful of additional support or command personnel. Two of these effectively carry a combat platoon, minus their extended logistics personnel.
The Armored Transport is not good on rougher terrain, so that does limit their mobility.

Ridengar Light Attack Vehicle
A two-person vehicle designed to be fast, agile, and capable of overcoming rough terrain. It is primarily used to support infantry operations when Mecha are not available, but can harass enemy convoys and vehicles with it's light cannon.

Ridengar Air Force
Ridengar Mech Force
Due to the scarcity of Mechs as they were first developed and the importance they played on the battlefield, Mech Pilots are drawn almost exclusively from the ranks of officers.
The RMF came about during the Hylek with the creation of Mechs, starting as the Army Mech Corps but soon becoming its own separate branch like the Ridengar Air Force.
Lieutenant - Pilot
Captain - commands a Flight (multiple Mechs)
Major - commands a Squadron (multiple Flights)
Colonel - commands a Group (multiple Squadrons)
Brigadier - commands a Wing (multiple Groups)
The above is the list of ranks that often see combat on the battlefield. Beyond them are Generals who typically lead and coordinate their forces from an operational command center.
There are (or can be) sub-ranks such as 2nd Lieutenant or Lieutenant Colonel, but they typically denote seniority and they fall into the above "normal" command structure.