Firefly: Reavers on the Rim - Taz
Name :: Role
Character Quote
|| Physical || Mental || Social ||
Trained Skills
Untrained Skills
Checked SFX are active.
Daredevil - That was great! I’ve never skydived from a crashing ship before! (from Things Don't Go Smooth p. 231)
- ☑ SFX, Hinder: Roll Instead of for 1 PP
- ☐ SFX, Knievel: Gain 1 PP when you respond to danger by leaping in front of it without hesitation.
- ☑ SFX, Hold Tight: When you hurtle into ill-advised action, replace your Drive or Move with a d4. If your roll is successful, gain a Big Damn Hero Die equal to the skill’s normal rating.
Captain Oblivious - Why are we doing that? I don’t get it. (from Smugglers' Guide to the Rim p. 282)
- ☑ SFX, Hinder: Roll Instead of for 1 PP
- ☐ SFX, Facepalm: In a social situation when you choose to say something idiotic—which is all the time— take a People Think I’m Stupid D8 Complication to gain 1 PP.
- ☐ SFX, What? Huh? Where? Why?: Spend 1 PP to inflict an All the Questions D6 Complication on someone you’re in a discussion with.
Sweet and Cheerful - 'It doesn’t seem like there’s a power in the ’Verse that can keep you from being cheerful.
- ☑ SFX, Hinder: Roll Instead of for 1 PP
- ☑ SFX, Good-natured: Spend 1 PP to step up or double your Social die when you’re using your friendly manner to resolve a tense situation.
- ☐ SFX, Straight Shooter: Gain 1 PP when you openly tell the truth even though it might be to your greater benefit to lie or conceal it.
Signature Assets
Describe your character here