Adventures in Kingdom Management

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East Kaebia

Potential Story Arcs

List of potential story arcs that the players may encounter. These arcs may lead to a long chain of events, quests, etc. But are not guaranteed.

  • What the Ash? - The volcanic eruption that caused everybody to evacuate the realm caused the dead to rise and the local wildlife population to mutate (Mythic)
  • Undead Conquistadors - (zer0zer0)
  • Pirates! - Rumor has it that pirates are using the island chain off the coast as a home base (Mythic)
  • Many of the urban centers where burred and lost rather then destroyed out right, finding and exploring the ruins should be a source of wealth and resources for the region and those who find them (Herodarwin)
  • Those Who Came Before - The settlers come across a ruin of an earlier settlement. It is ruined and abandoned, but there is no sign that the settlement would have been attacked. There is no sign of the former inhabitants, but rusted and ruined household gear is found in the ruins, almost if the people left leaving everything behind. Who were those people, what happened to them, and can the new settlers learn something from their fate (Potted Plant)

Potential Points of Interest

List of potential POIs which might be encountered in the game.

  • Pirate Base (Mythic)
  • The Lost City of [Insert appropriate name here] host to the Mage academy and Pantheon wide mega temple, this place was rich in magical resources and knowledge (Herodarwin)
  • The Hot Fen - A region of mossy patches, water that is mostly of traversable depth but with surprises under the surface, and few patches of solid ground. The fen is obviously fed by hot springs, as the water is a temperature of a hot bath, constantly steaming and leaving the region shrouded in perpetual mist. Remnants of marble slabs and pillars tell that a route led into the area in the past and something may be found deeper in if the fen could be traversed. But who knows what threats besides heatstroke await the explorers (Potted Plant)

Potential Big Challenges/Enemies

List of potential powerful foes/challenges that PC may come up against.

  • Undead dinosaur(s) are a favorite of mine and some being awakened after the eruption sounds cool (Herodarwin)
  • A fiendishly smart and extremely hostile undead with command over the mindless ones. Perhaps that one destroyed the conquistadors and cursed them with undeath. And the pirates may either have some sort of deal with that one, or a trick that keeps the undead away (Potted Plant)


Please create a page for your character on the wiki and link to it from here

Our Heroic Cast
Character Player Race/Class Important Notes
Middoona the Kobold Cleric of Apsu Herodarwin Kobold Cleric of Apsu
__ Ressas Dootug Herodarwin Human Porter Hireling
__ Aja Souhrer Herodarwin Human Priestess Follower
[Recka] Sam I Am Dhampir Antipaladin
Dragos Nicolescu the Plague Doctor Potted Plant Human Alchemist
Jehanin Louet Cailet Human Swashbuckler
__ Ferry Bellehache Cailet Human Servant Hireling
Ryfnii TigerWolfe Strix Slayer pending character sheet
Avala, Frozen Shadow clu2415 Undine Ranger

Character Creation

25 point buy, almost any class/race is allowed from the SRD.

2 traits

Each PC gets a bonus feat from chosen from the following list. This may be substituted with another feat as long as it's social, exploratory, or survival oriented. Additionally, you may ignore prerequisites for this bonus feat:

House Rules

Leadership Feat

Because the bonus feat from the character creation rules above make it possible to get the Leadership feat at level 1 instead of 7, the following changes are in effect for that feat:

  • Until you reach level 7, your cohort can only be comprised of Basic NPCs ( and each member of your cohort cannot exceed your level.
  • At level 1, you can have a single level 1 Basic npc. At level 2 and 3 your cohort will be stuck at level 1 because your cohort cannot be more than -2 levels above you (per the Leadership feat description). Once you reach level 4 though, your cohort can now be level 2, so you could decide then if you want to level up the single npc to level 2 or bring on a second Basic level 1 cohort.
  • Your cohort may be non-humanoid if you want. Something like an exotic pet or something unusual is ok as long as it meets the above requirements of level/CR being 1 for the first few levels.
  • Once you reach level 7 you will be able to take Heroic cohorts and you follow the rules of the Leadership feat as it's written.
  • Also for clarification - regardless of your charisma or other bonuses, each member of your cohort cannot exceed your level until level 7. So no Cha 18 out the gate starting with a level 3 cohort