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Revision as of 21:28, 12 February 2007 by Brokentardis (talk | contribs) (Past)
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  • Descriptor:
  • M&M2e Stats:



Physical Appearance


Heroic Motivations



  • History:

Jimmy Nguyen (pronounced "when") was born James Tran Nguyen on his mother's 30th birthday. She died in his arms 20 years later. In between she raised him as best as she could in the confines of Rust City. Jimmy never knew his father, but he does know that he and his father share two things: a first name and occidental blood.

Han Nguyen was an ageless Vietnamese beauty of style and elegance. She was consort to Wang Chu, leader of the Chinese arm of Rust City's Triad - a melting pot of Chinese Tong, Japanese Yakuza and Amerasian thuggery. The Triad pretty much runs things in Rust City, and for a while Han and Jimmy were royalty. Wang Chu's son, Chenglei and Jimmy were best friends and brothers.

Han died suddenly a few months ago. Nearing age fifty and finding herself pregnant, she had an abortion in secret. It was a botched job. When she grew sick from the resulting infection, Wang Chu discovered the truth. Furious with her for aborting his offspring, he tossed her and Jimmy out of his house.

Out in the warrens, Han told Jimmy about her estranged older brother Anh Dung - a humble potter who never approved of how she made a living. Jimmy carried her to his uncle's home/workshop and cared for her until she died.

Now Jimmy does odd jobs for his uncle, and has found he has a gift for pottery as well. He was surprised to learn that the old man is a Tai Chi master. Growing up in the Triad, Jimmy learned the sort of showy, street-style kung fu/kick boxing that gang kids used to impress each other and intimidate the public. He soon found he was no match for his elderly uncle.

Nearly every evening, Chenglei comes around with his posse and tries to entice Jimmy into hanging out with the gang kids. Jimmy laughs and says he'd like to, but he doesn't want to get Chenglei in trouble with his dad. In reality Jimmy seethes with hatred for what Wang Chu did to his mother. Also, he now sees the Triad as a cancer upon Rust City. If only he had the power to DO something about it!

  • Origin:

Then one day while doing his Tai Chi an amazing thing happened. He was performing the An (Wave) form, trying to push his anger away from himself, when the floor in front of him started to move - shaping itself into a wave that flowed across the room. It 'splashed' against the wall and Jimmy lost his concentration. Strangely enough everything reverted to normal. The floor, the wall and all the objects in the room that were stretched and distorted by the wave were now completely undisturbed. Recomposing himself, he went through some other forms, keeping what he thought was his hatred hot in his belly and then letting it flow through his arms and legs. The Crane Opening its Wings form created a vertical slit in the workshop wall he could walk through. Crossing Hands closed the slit. A punch stretched out a pottery rack enough to crack the plaster in the wall behind it, while a parry stretched the floor up to form a wall in front of him. Relaxing made everything rebound back to its proper shape.

This was it! Maybe he inherited more from his dad than his halfbreed looks and anglo name... Now to hide his identity. He found some white gauze to make a mask, and using a Chinese brush and vermilion ink, he painted the Chinese symbol for wave on it...

3x3 NPC's


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