G2W: Metuta
- Main Page; Gateway to the West:Main_Page
- Name: Metuta
- Class: Wizard
- Level: 1
- XP: 0
- Age:
- Languages: Native, Trade Tongue
- Background: Nomad
- Description:
- Strength 14 (+1)
- Dexterity 14 (+1)
- Constitution 16 (+1)
- Intelligence 18 (+2)
- Wisdom 13 (+1)
- Charisma 14 (+1)
Other Stats
- Movement Rate:
- HP: 6
- System Strain:
- AC:
- BAB: 0
- Attacks:
- Effort: 4
- Saves:
- Evasion: 13
- Mental: 14
- Physical: 14
- Administer
- Connect
- Convince
- Craft
- Exert
- Heal: 0
- Know
- Lead
- Magic: 0
- Notice
- Perform
- Pray
- Punch
- Ride: 0
- Sail
- Shoot: 0
- Sneak
- Stab
- Survive: 0
- Trade
- Trade
- Work
- Readied (5/7):
- Bow, Large (1d8, Dex, 100/600, 2H R PM, Enc 2)
- Dagger (1d4, shock 1/AC 15, Str/Dex, 30/60, S T PM, Enc 1)
- Arrows 20 (Enc 1)
- Backpack (Enc 1/0)
- Clothes (Enc 1/0)
- Healer's Pouch (Enc 1)
- Stowed (7/14):
- Cooking utensitls, and 1 week of rations (Enc 5)
- Lantern (Enc 1), Oil (2x Enc 1)
- Waterskin, one gallon (Enc 1)
- Riding Armadillo
- Money:
- 11s
- Gifted Chirurgeon: 1
- You may attempt to stabilize one Mortally Wounded adjacent person per round as an On Turn action.
- When rolling Heal skill checks, roll 3d6 and drop the lowest die.
- You heal twice as many hit points as usual when applying first aid after a battle
Magic Powers
- Elemental Resilience
- Elemental Sparks
- Elemental Blast (Scene Effort, 50ft magic attack (+3), 1d6+3 damage)
- 1st
- Elemental Favour
- Elemental Spy
- Cognitive Supersession of the Inferior Orders
- The Long Amber Moment