Gateway to the West:Main Page

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Player Characters[edit]

  • Character Sheet Starter
  • Metuta (Hituro) HP: 7/7 | System Strain 0/14 | AC 11 | Bow to hit d20+2, d8+1 dmg
  • Giorgios (Monster Mash) HP: 6/6 | System Strain 0/11 | AC 14 | Short sword to hit d20+1, d6+1 dmg, Shock 2<16
  • Osborn (Koren n'Rhys) HP: 7/7 | System Strain 0/11 | AC 14 | Small bow to hit 1d20+2, 1d6+1 dmg, No Shock
  • Timbeo Tam (thirdkingdom) HP: 8/8 | System Strain 0/9 | AC 15 | Short sword to hit d20+3, d6+3 dmg, Shock 2<16
  • Shal Rocca (Marc G.) HP: 14/14 | System Strain 0/9 | AC 13 | Heavy spear to hit d20+3, d10+1 dmg, Shock 3<15
  • Eughan (Hedonismbot) HP: 10/10 | System Strain 0/16 | AC 13 | Heavy Spear to hit 1d20+3, d10+0 dmg, Shock 2<15.

Combat Tracker[edit]

Char HP Strain Spells Effort
Metuta 7/7 0/14 0/1 0/4
Giorgios 6/6 0/11
Osborn 7/7 0/11
Timbeo Tam 8/8 0/9
Shal Rocca 14/14 0/9
Eughan 10/10 0/16 0/2

Quick Skill Reference[edit]

Char Skills
Metuta Heal, Magic 1, Ride, Shoot, Survive
Giorgios Connect, Craft (smith), Notice, Sneak, Stab, Survive
Osborn Connect, Notice 1, Shoot 1, Sneak 1, Stab
Timbeo Tam Lead, Notice, Shoot, Stab 1
Shal Rocca Connect, Convince, Craft 1, Exert, Heal, Know, Ride, Stab 1, Trade
Eughan Convince, Exert 1, Notice, Punch 1, Sneak 1, Survive, Trade

Encumbrance Ape[edit]


  • Readied (5/7):
    • Bow +1, Large (1d8, Dex+1, 100/600, 2H R PM, Enc 2)
    • Dagger (1d4, shock 1/AC 15, Str/Dex, 30/60, S T PM, Enc 1)
    • Arrows 20 (Enc 1)
    • Backpack (Enc 1/0)
    • Clothes (Enc 1/0)
    • Healer's Pouch (Enc 1)
  • Stowed (7/14):
    • Cooking utensitls, and 1 week of rations (Enc 5)
    • Lantern (Enc 1), Oil (2x Enc 1)
    • Waterskin, one gallon (Enc 1)
  • Torga the Riding Armadillo (5/15)
    • Tent (Enc 1)
    • Fodder (Enc 2)
    • Bow, Large (1d8, Dex, 100/600, 2H R PM, Enc 2)
    • Bedroll (Enc 1)
  • Treasure:
    • 1552s
  • Movement: 30


  • Readied Items:
  • Stowed Gear:
  • Treasure:
  • Total Stowed:
  • Movement:


  • Readied: (5/6)
    • Short Sword (Str/Dex, 1d6 dmg, Shock 2/AC 15, Enc 1)
    • Bow, Small (Dex, 1d6 dmg, No Shock, Rng 50/300, Enc 1)
    • Dagger (Str/Dex, 1d4 dmg, Shock 1/AC 15, Rng 30/60, Enc 1)
    • Linothorax - Base AC 13 (1 enc)
    • Arrows, 20 (Enc 1)
    • Backpack
  • Stowed: (12/13)
    • One man tent (1 enc)
    • Bedroll (1 enc)
    • Rations, 7 days (4 enc)
    • Waterskin (1 enc)
    • Tinder Box (-)
    • Torches, 3 (1 enc)
    • Sacks, 2 (2 enc)
    • Rope, 50' (2 enc)
  • Money: 88 sp, 4 cp
  • Treasure:
  • Movement: 30'


  • Readied (6/8)
    • Pieced Armor (AC 14)
    • Large shield (+1 AC)
    • Short Sword (1d6+2 damage, Shock 3/AC 15)
    • Dagger (1d4+2 damage, Shock 2/AC 15)
    • Backpack
  • Stowed (9/16)
    • Tinder box and (3) torches (1 enc)
    • One man tent (1 enc)
    • Blanket (1 enc)
    • Bedroll (1 enc)
    • Rations, 1 week (Enc 4)
    • Waterskin (Enc 1)
  • Money: 15 sp
  • Treasure:
  • Total Stowed:
  • Movement: 30'


  • Readied (6/7)
    • Pieced Armor (AC 14)
    • Heavy Spear (1d10+1 damage, Shock 2/AC 15)
    • Dagger (1d4+1 damage, Shock 1/AC 15)
    • Common clothes
    • Backpack
  • Stowed (13/15)
    • 6 days food (3)
    • Waterskin (1)
    • Metal flask (crude spirits) (1)
    • Tent (2)
    • Bedroll (1)
    • Tinderbox (0)
    • 4 Torches (2)
    • Bundle of new armor(3)
  • Treasure:
    • 24 sp, 8 cp
  • Movement: 30'


  • Readied (6/6)
    • 3x Daggers (Enc 1)
    • Spear, Heavy (Enc 2)
    • Heavy Bow (Enc 2)
    • Arrows, 20 (Enc 1)
  • Stowed (12/12)
    • 3x Daggers (Enc 1)
    • Arrows, 40 (Enc 2)
    • Tinder box (* enc)
    • Rations, 1 week (Enc 4)
    • Waterskin (Enc 1)
    • Bedroll (Enc 1)
    • 1 person tent (Enc 1)
  • Treasure:
    • sp: 94

Treasure to be distributed

  • Tarnished bracelets / armlets (50 sp total)
  • 904 sp (local)
  • 122 sp (foreign - hand w/ arrows | crown )
  • silver torc (50 sp)
  • 3 silver armbands (75 sp each)
  • silver and gem crown, orb, and scepter (4000 total)
  • greatsword
  • mail shirt
  • treasure map
  • special longsword
  • special cuirass and greaves

Character Generation Guidelines[edit]

  • PCs start at 1st level but we'll be using the Fast Levelling option from WWN
  • If it's within the WWN rulebook or the Atlas of the Latter Earth, it's fair game
  • 4d6, drop 1 is allowed if you want to roll your stats; otherwise, use RAW
  • Feel free to assign stats to whichever attribute you like
  • Max HP at level 1
    • Reroll all HP each time you level up; if you roll lower than the previous total, add one HP instead
  • Start with the maximum 180 sp

Roll of the Departed[edit]


The town of Ket

Map of town of Ket



Regional Background

History of the Kingdom of Caral

Spring Festival


  • Post 30 From Elder Visant - "There are three regions immediately to the west. To the northwest is the Forest of Nen. Directly to the west is a region dominated by the Blackwater Swamp. And the area around the Falkenhorn is called the Hallastor Hills. From the little I have learned, I believe one of the shrines, dedicated to a Chaotic deity, is somewhere in the Hallastor Hills. The soldiers who explored that area have told stories of a region, at least a mile wide, where it never stops raining. Could that be the location? The soldiers did not linger so who can say?"
  • Post 49 From the Temple of Pem - Hundreds of years ago, there was a settlement of elves living in a town called Thilrenthalas, in the foothills of the Falkenhorn. They lived in peace with the more numerous humans of the area but apparently some terrible fate befell them and the settlement was wiped out. The scroll is not clear what evil destroyed the elves. It talks of winged lizards but everyone knows dragons are just a fairy tale meant to scare children and fools. It also mentions something called an Urd, which is apparently a kobold with wings protruding from its back. Of course, kobolds are as real as dragons so who knows what to make of the scroll, but if the elves were wiped out around the time the humans retreated across the Moche, there may still be treasure in the ruins! Arthan notes the ruins are in the hills to the NW of the mountain.
  • Post 51 From Fort-Captain Nisus - "Look here now, son. The woods to the northwest, they've got all sorts of dangerous creatures in there which are preventing my soldiers from expanding the perimeter around Fort Progress. In the south end, I can deal with regular sized snakes but they got these rattlers as big as a horse! Same thing with the spiders. They jump out of holes, grab a man lickity-split, and pull it back in the hole afore anyone can react. And up north, they got these spider-men that weave webs like regular spiders but they're six feet tall! You go up north and clean out them forests, I'll pay you a bounty for every giant snake, giant spider, or... err, spider-man. Just get 'em out of there before they eat every scout in my troop!" and "Look here now, kid. I like the cut of your jib. Let me line you up with a money making opportunity. You heard of Axe Beaks? Nasty creatures, chop your hand off as soon as look at you. But... hold up now, hear me out. You get one early and train it, it's better than a horse. Close to the same speed but it'll watch your back out there in the badlands. Anyway, you go straight west, past Fort Illumination, my soldiers tell me there's a couple herds of wild ones. Grab some young ones, train 'em up, you'll be riding in style. Just do me a favor when you're out there, see? We found some fields that look like someone's been growing vegetables. These green banana-shaped things, 'cept when you peel 'em, they got some juicy yellow kernels on the inside. Supposed to be good eating. Anyways, if there's someone out there growing food, it's probably bandits or the like, so keep your eyes open. I pay bounties for bandits too."

Custom Rules[edit]

Pointcrawl Rules

  • Shelter and Weather
    • The gist is, generally speaking, you're going to want tents. Blankets for sure, at least until the summer.
    • Penalties here will follow the WWN rules for Starving, Thirsting and Freezing
  • Disease and Illness
    • The Heal skill will be valuable here
  • Food, Gear, and Supplies
    • Near the river, I will be handwaving the availability of water but food will be important
    • This does not apply in mountain areas, nor swamps unless you want to make lots of disease checks
    • The further away from the river you travel, the more likely that water will be a concern
      • I will give you some in-game warnings of this
    • If you want to hunt or fish for food, we're using the Foraging rules in WWN
  • Traveling through a Hex
    • Because this is a pointcrawl and not a hexcrawl, there's going to be a little more handwaving from me. I expect that you will be going off in random directions at first, but will soon default to known paths, discovered roads, following rivers and streams, etc
    • I am tracking miles traveled but not studiously marking sub-hexes explored or anything like that
    • I will allow the WWN rule of "to lightly explore a standard six-mile hex for points of interest takes a full day of scouting" but emphasis on "lightly"
    • I will initially provide a hexmap that has hex type (e.g., Plains, Hills) but no more detail.
    • I am going to roll for random encounters every six miles traveled (with allowances for extra checks if the party remains in one place for too long)
      • My encounter table gives only a 1 in 6 chance of encountering any given "monster", with the other 5 in 6 representing tracks, spoor, etc.
  • Upkeep
    • Typical "upkeep rules" where you choose a level of comfort and pay that much up front each month.
    • Use the amounts from the Services and Living Expenses table on p 34 of the rules.
  • Wilderness Travel Gear
    • One man tent - 20 sp (1 enc)
    • Blanket - 1 sp (1 enc)
    • Bedroll - 5 sp (1 enc)
    • Wilderness Travel Gear bundle - 40 sp (5 enc)
      • one man tent
      • bedroll
      • blanket
      • cooking utensils
      • small hammer
      • shovel
      • waterskin
      • tinder box