Into the Wild Woods: Reska
- Human Cleric 4
- XP: 7,930/12,000
- Alignment: Lawful
- Retainer of Archimedes Zed
- 14 STR (+1)
- 13 INT
- 11 WIS
- 10 DEX
- 12 CON
- 08 CHA
- Languages
- General Skills
- Healing: Skilled (10+)
- Class Abilities
- Miracle - 1% chance of her god answering her prayer
- Cleave
- Weapon restriction - can only use two-handed weapons
- Knacks
- Lay on Hands (Once per day, can heal her HD x2)
- AC 2
- HP 14
- Movement Rate
- Initiative Modifier: 0
- Attacks
- Primary Melee Attack: Two Handed Sword THAC0 17 (+2) incl. +1 STR | Dmg 1d10+1
- Secondary Melee Attack:
- Primary Ranged Attack:
- Saves:
- 13 Petrification & Paralysis
- 10 Death & Poison
- 15 Blast & Breath
- 11 Staves & Wands
- 13 Spells
- First Level: 2 Spells Per Day
- Second Level: 1 Spell Per Day
- Gear, Armor, Weapons: Total Encumbrance: 830 c
- Plate Mail (500 c)
- Two-handed Sword (150 c)
- Crossbow (50 c)
- Case w/30 bolts (included in weight of crossbow)
- Holy Symbol
- Holy Water x5 (50 c)
- Backpack w/ Misc Adventuring Gear (80 c)
- Rations, Iron
- Sack, Large x3
- Tinder Box
- Waterskin
- Horse, Riding (Whippet)
- Saddle and Bridle
- Saddle Bags (up to 300 c weight)
- Case w/30 bolts