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CONCEPT: please write a short bio-bit on your character, an example:

  • WHIPLASH (a.k.a. Brandon Hamilton)
    "Whiplash was a minor henchman for various masterminds until the Grue invasion when he was thrown into prison. Now he feels regret for what he did and only wants to redeem himself, and so he has recently banded together fighting for the OVERSHADOW with "THE BAND OF STEEL"! He is not interested in wealth or power, he just wants these bloody aliens off his rock and out of everyone's lives!" ... (as played by Karl)

QUOTES: (for in and out of game quotes)

In miniature form!

What is your villainous /heroic motivation?

Revenge! Or at least it was. With the alien invasion, my rage has been tempered. I still hate most people as they are scared cattle, so quick to judge and to reject that which they do not understand. But I will not be ruled by alien scum who come to strip our planet of all its resources.

Acceptance. I do wish people would understand who and what I am. I will not beg for acceptance, but I would not reject it if it came my way.

Save the Planet! The world needs me, now more then ever.

Working for Overshadow. Overshadow maybe a fool and grandstander, but he is infinity better then the alien scum that now infest our world.

Character Flags

These flags are things that tell the GM what the PLAYERS are interested in doing with their characters in the game. The advantage here is that the GM can look at these flags and tailor events in the game so folks are getting what they want for their characters. Any Complications on your character sheet are also flags to the GM of things you as a player want your character to confront in the game.

Prison Term and/or Your greatest defeat

Originally I intended that each PC would begin the campaign in jail. I understand that some of your ideas might not support this. Please describe how you got into jail and how long you have been there, etc… If your concept does not fit that describe how they've avoided jail from heroes and/or aliens forcing you in.
In addition to, or as a separate situation - describe your worst defeat in 1-2 sentences. You can note the opposition (heroes, villains or aliens) that factored in the defeat. Just give the basics - leave the details open for in-game fun.


OPTIONAL - For loads of fun, consider tying your backgroun information in with Freedom City's official timeline and characters!

  • Friends (list 3 people that would help you for free; list name, your relationship, their concept in 1-2 sentences, where are they now)
  • Contacts (list 3 people that would help you for a price; list name, your relationship, their concept in 1-2 sentences, where are they now)
  • Enemies (list 3 people that are your adversaries; list name, your relationship, their concept in 1-2 sentences, where are they now)
  • Locations (list 3 locations in the game setting that are important to your character, important can be "good" or "bad"; list name, your relationship, the concept in 1-2 sentences, when last you were there)
  • Organizations (list 3 groups in the game setting that are important to your character, important can be "good" or "bad"; list name, your relationship, the concept in 1-2 sentences, what they may be up to now)