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Boka Pembroke aka Anansi

Man, Black, Laughing Eyes, Rebellious Clothing, Showy Costume
Abilities: Illusions, Emotion Control
Danger +1, Freak 0, Savior -1, Superior +2, Mundane +1
Mary Contrary: Roll + Superior vs. Someone trying to pierce your mask/comfort/support/provoke. On a successful roll, they get -2. On a 10+ take influence over them as well, or clear a condition. On a miss, they get an automatic 10+ (and I mark a condition of their choosing)
Troublemaker: When helping a teammate, Anansi may do so in a destructive, criminal, and/or rule breaking way to give a +2 instead of the normal +1.
Are you Watching Closely: Mislead/distract/trick someone - Roll + Superior. On a 10+ they're fooled, plus choose 3 options. 7-9 they're fooled + choose 2 options: Get an opportunity, Expose a weakness or flaw, Confuse them for some time, Avoid further entanglement. On a failure, mark 1 condition.
Right. So once upon a tiI ever got.
So, obvhere I’d glued an airtag to a magnet and tossed it on the metal case holding the suit, then waited until it got ne Concat.
As in, concatenate? As in, to merge two or more arrays or strings of variables without returning NULL values? CONCAT()? Does nobody know basic SQL server functionality?
Okay, fine. Screw you guys. Felicia was right.
So now, at night, I don my hardsuit and patrol the streets as the superhero Catspaw.