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Return to Out_of_the_Spiderverse

Rachel Katz aka CATSPAW


White, woman, lean body, loose clothing, armored costume


Abilities: Stealth, Hacking, Powered Armor (Near-Spider-man level strength, toughness, grappling hooks, etc)
Mentor’s abilities: Stealth, World Class Thief, Probability Manipulation


Danger -1, Freak+1, Savior +1, Superior +2, Mundane +0


Felicia Hardy, aka Black Cat'.
Embodies Superior, Denies Savior.


Been reading the files: You’ve learned about the superhuman world through your mentor’s resources. When you first encounter an important superpowered phenomenon (your call), roll + Superior. On a hit, tell the team one important detail you’ve learned from your studies. The GM will tell you what, if anything, seems different from what you remember. On a 10+, ask the GM a follow-up question; they will answer it honestly. On a miss, the situation is well outside your base of knowledge; the GM will tell you why.

Venting frustration: When you directly engage while you are Angry, you can roll + the Label your mentor denies and clear Angry.

Heroic tradition: When you give someone the advice that you think your mentor would give, you can roll + the Label your mentor embodies to comfort or support someone, instead of rolling +Mundane.

Mentor's Resources: A secret base, a supercomputer, TBD

Moment of Truth

The moment that you show who you really are: your mentor, or something different. You can do whatever your mentor could do and more. You can do the incredible, even the things they always failed to accomplish. Of course, they’re not going to see you the same way, no matter which path you choose…

Team moves

When you share a triumphant celebration with someone, ask them if you’ve been a good leader or effective teammate. If they say yes, your mentor loses Influence over you and you mark potential. If they say no, your mentor gains Influence over you, and you take +1 forward on using the Label your mentor embodies.

When you share a vulnerability or weakness with someone, tell them a secret about your mentor (including your feelings towards them). Give them Influence over you and add 1 Team to the pool.


Right. So once upon a time I was just a normal teenage girl genius, living my normal teenage genius life, going to the Brooklyn Visions Academy on scholarship. Well, not actually on scholarship, more like a type of “scholarship” where I hacked a leading national bank to set up a recurring payment system through a series of shell charities and then forged a scholarship offer to give to my parents. I’m good with computers, ‘kay? Anyway, while I was at school one day I was working on this science project that was about using counter-illumination to produce active camouflage effects, based on the chromatophore patterns on firefly squid? Yeah, it was super fascinating, do you have time for me to explain it? No? ‘Kay. Anyway, one day I show up in class and the whole project is just gone. Wiped clean. Even the physical prototypes. And nobody would believe that my work had been stolen. It was the only F I ever got.

So, obviously I dedicated my life to revenge.

It turns out my work had been stolen by some unethical dude-bros at Oscorp, and they’d integrated it into their own prototype stealth hardsuit that they were trying to sell to the government to use for supersoldiers or whatever. So I spent a whole week scoping the place out, hacking the security cameras, implanting backdoor programs to open the… backdoor, the whole deal. I was going to take my project back. And when I finally snuck in there and get to the suit, I discovered that someone else was stealing it before I could! It was Black Cat! She had a whole cool escape route planned out too, with ziplines and grappling hooks and helicopter pickups. All I had was a rental truck and a pallet jack. So, anyway, I watched her fly away with my suit. Was I angry? No. Because I had a plan.

The plan was, I showed up at her secret lair the next morning, knocked on the door, and demanded my stuff back. She wanted to know how I’d found her, so I showed her where I’d glued an airtag to a magnet and tossed it on the metal case holding the suit, then waited until it got near her iphone. That’s the thing about antiheroes; terrible endpoint security. She was so impressed, she gave me the suit and started training me that night, in exchange for me becoming her personal IT girl.

Look, is my mentor a good person? No. One time, she stole Manhattan. The whole island. But she’s amazingly smart and talented, and she’s teaching me things I could never learn in school. And I can use that suit, and my own skills, to do good things and help people. And if I occasionally keep some stuff instead of giving it back, that’s not thieving, Felicia says, that’s just payment for services rendered. So now, at night, I don my hardsuit and patrol the streets as the superhero Concat.


As in, concatenate? As in, to merge two or more arrays or strings of variables without returning NULL values? CONCAT()? Does nobody know basic SQL server functionality?

Okay, fine. Screw you guys. Felicia was right.

So now, at night, I don my hardsuit and patrol the streets as the superhero Catspaw.


When our team first came together...

We stuck together after all was said and done. Why? How’d we keep in contact?


You and ____________________ teamed up a few times before the rest of you came together.
Your mentor is cautious; they asked you to keep an eye on __________________.


Choose your demeanor: playful or business.
If you choose playful, give Influence to two teammates.
If you choose business, give Influence to no teammates.