G2W: Osborn
- Main Page; Gateway to the West:Main_Page
- Name: Osborn **WIP**
- Class: Expert
- Level: 2
- XP: 3
- Max HP: 7
- Max System Strain: 11
- Age: 24
- Languages: Common (native), Trade Cant, Thieves Cant
- Background: Thug
- Strength 13
- Dexterity 14 (+1)
- Constitution 11
- Intelligence 9
- Wisdom 11
- Charisma 11
Other Stats
- Movement Rate: 30'
- AC: 14
- BAB: +1
- Attacks:
- Short Sword (1d20+2 to hit, 1d6+1 dmg, Shock 3/AC 15, Enc 1)
- Bow, Small (1d20+2, 1d6+1 dmg, No Shock, Rng 50/300, Enc 1)
- Dagger (1d20+2, 1d4+1 dmg, Shock 2/AC 15, Rng 30/60, Enc 1)
- Saves:
- Evasion: 13
- Mental: 14
- Physical: 14
- Luck: 14
- Administer
- Connect-0
- Convince
- Craft
- Exert
- Heal
- Know
- Lead
- Magic
- Notice-1
- Perform
- Pray
- Punch
- Ride
- Sail
- Shoot-1
- Sneak-1
- Stab-0
- Survive
- Trade
- Work
Class Abilities
- Masterful Expertise
- Once per scene, the Expert may reroll any non-combat skill check as an Instant action. This allows the Expert to make a roll and then immediately use this ability if the resulting total isn’t good enough to succeed. In cases where it matters, the better of the two rolls may be used.
- Quick Learner
- When you advance a character level, you gain an extra skill point which may only be spent on gaining or improving non-combat skills or raising attributes. You may save this point to spend later if you wish.
- Connected L1
- You’re remarkably gifted at making friends and forging ties with the people around you. Wherever you go, you always seem to know somebody useful to your ends.
- If you’ve spent at least a week in a not-entirely-hostile location, you’ll have built a web of contacts willing to do favors for you that are no more than mildly illegal. You can call on one favor per game day and the GM decides how far they’ll go for you.
- Deadeye L1
- You have a gift with ranged weapons. While this talent most commonly applies to bows, it is also applicable to thrown weapons or other ranged weapons that can be used with the Shoot skill. For thrown weapons, you can’t use the benefits of the Armsmaster Focus at the same time as Deadeye.
- You can Ready a Stowed ranged weapon as an Instant action. You may use a bow or two-handed ranged weapon even when an enemy is within melee range, albeit at a -4 hit penalty. You may add your Shoot skill level to a ranged weapon’s damage roll.
- Trapmaster L1
- You have uncommon expertise in handling traps and snares, both mundane ones and the magical perils sometimes found in Deeps or the lairs of sorcerers. You know how to improvise traps with materials you easily carry.
- Once per scene, reroll any failed saving throw or skill check related to traps or snares. Given five minutes of work you can trap a portal, container, passageway, or other relatively narrow space with foot snares, caltrops, toxic needles, or other hazards. Non-lethal traps cause the first victim to trigger it to lose a round of actions while dangerous ones inflict 1d6 damage plus twice the character’s level, with an appropriate saving throw for half. Only one such improvised trap can be maintained at a time. More fearsome traps may be laid with congenial circumstances and the GM’s permission.
- Readied: (5/6)
- Short Sword (Str/Dex, 1d6 dmg, Shock 2/AC 15, Enc 1)
- Bow, Small (Dex, 1d6 dmg, No Shock, Rng 50/300, Enc 1)
- Dagger (Str/Dex, 1d4 dmg, Shock 1/AC 15, Rng 30/60, Enc 1)
- Linothorax - Base AC 13 (1 enc)
- (20) Arrows (Enc 1)
- Backpack
- Stowed: (12/13)
- One man tent (1 enc)
- Bedroll (1 enc)
- (7) Rations (4 enc)
- Waterskin (1 enc)
- Tinder Box (-)
- (3) Torches (1 enc)
- (2) Sacks (2 enc)
- Rope, 50' (2 enc)
- Money:
- 88 sp
- 4 cp