Forgotten Freedom:The Difference of Caralot's Eberron

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The Different History of Caralot’s Eberron: Khyber succeeds is breaking the prophecy into useless fragments. While still sealed away by it’s first offspring, Eberron, Khyber has at least prevented its other child, Thyrs, from seeing the prophecy and thus being rendered perfectly sane. Thyrs becomes the water of the world, and thus has great power over life but is spread too thin to have much of a thought process.

The giants of Xen’drick create the warforged. (contrary to Secrets of Xen’drick, which says they were created by the Quori)

The Valenar are not Aerenal elves but are instead their own migration up the land bridge that connects Xen’drick and Khorvaire.

The Dhakaani retain enough of their own culture that when Khorvaire is conquered by the Sarlonans the hobgoblins are integrated into the communities.

The Inspired begin conquest in the eastern portion of Sarlona, but before they can expand beyond the central mountains they become enamored of the “real world”, and simply slip into being fat tyrant (divine) nobles of the Riedran culture and allowing foreigners in. Thus Sarlona contains a western “old world” and an eastern “strict order” culture.

Because all members of House Vidalis are therianthropes the Lycanthopic Purge established the church of the Silver Flame as militant fanatics, and the faith never spread much outside Thrane.

Airships are developed decades earlier, but lack their own propulsion.

Valenar and Dhakaan do no not betray Cyre. Valenar is too far west, and instead keeps running up against the Talenta Plains and Droaam. The Dhakaani are allowed to peacefully found their own country.

There is no Mourning. Instead, a plague sweeps Cyre, known as the boiling, which causes anyone engaged in fighting to fly into a blind rage and kill everything around them. This occurs for the last five years of the war, effectively halting all overt hostilities. The war finally ends when a new form of chaotic magic, Wild Magic, is released from somewhere in Cyre, spreading outward and warping the land and people into new (and not necessarily horrific) forms. It is only contained when the Water-Folk emerge from the ocean south of Cyre.

The Water-Folk establish Thyrs as the Fourth Dragon, and make the origin point of the Wild Magic—a pool of black water welling up from Khyber—the center of a new religious lifestyle.

Geography: There is an extra continent: a vast desert known as Bahar, which grows rich on exporting many luxury items as well as metallic ores.

For Khorvaire, switch the places of the Shadow Marches and Valenar, and the Talenta Plains and Breland (making sure to flip Breland so Sharn is on the eastern portion). Connect Valenar to Xen’drick via a narrow land bridge that has since had a canal cut through it.

Races and Monsters: Monsters that might be feared and hunted on other Eberrons are allowed to roam free in Khorvaire so long as they don’t cause trouble. Examples include illithids.

The disciplined hobgoblins hold the “main race” spot that half-orcs and orcs might hold on other worlds.

Half-werewolves are an accepted part of Khorvaire. In fact there is a variety of them known as the Orr which can no longer assume full humanoid form, only hybrid and animal.

Water-Folk are basically water elementals that have evolved to the point at which their bodies mimic those of animal organisms.

Dragonmarks: Hobgoblins have the Mark of Sentinel. Orr weres have the Mark of Handling. Orcs and half-orcs (rather than humans and half-orcs) have the Mark of Finding.

Religion of Thyrs: Thyrs is a god of change, blood, freedom, and being wild. It’s devotees (not necessarily worshippers) are often interested in magical genetic engineering, advocacy for rights, or just doing really crazy things for fun.

Caralot’s History: (note: very modified from the original to suit my current tastes) Born to one Bruce “Chuck” Jarlot, a masked vigilante from Sharn, and Darastrix Aesthyr (lit. “dragon woman” but darastrix is referring to felines here) a ninja assassin, hired by one of his arch-nemisies, who fell in love with him (it’s the hero Charisma).

Bruce got his family out of Sharn before his enemies could figure out who he was, and he then stole an airship—naming it Forever Freedom—and became a pirate (a rather nice pirate). He made enough money this way that he could afford to send Caralot to school, and she eventually made her way to and graduated from The Twelve Academy with a degree in Beastial Engineering (since dragonmarked houses were exempt from the war, anyone working with them could pass across national boundaries). Her thesis was a beholder/mindflayer that failed spectacularly and fortunately. However the Academy gave her the degree on the grounds that she never do that again.

While studying at the Academy Caralot spent many semesters at the House Vidalis ranches in Aundair/Eldeen Reaches. There she met Mawerrkan d’Vidalis, her first sex partner. While visiting the ranch another time Caralot had the inspiration that allowed her to give herself male genitalia, and she was able to test it out with the help of Mawerrkan’s sister, Okarran. Unfortunately the new parts worked too well, and Okarran became pregnant. When the half-elf, half-werewolf was born she was given the name Jaela—“secret treasure” in what turned out to be the language of the Water-Folk—and secretly transported to a Vidalis-friendly family in Thrane to avoid any scandal to both Okarran and Caralot’s careers. Somehow Jaela was named Keeper of the Flame, while few know she is half-were.

Caralot’s quickly gained a reputation as a mad scientist, creating all sorts of crazy crossbreeds. So it was no surprise that when she became a devotee of Thyrs that she was immediately charged with the care of the Black Water.

While on a collection job for House Vidalis, Caralot somehow got mixed in a once dormant dragon experiment that transported her to the FF.

What Caralot was doing all those months she was gone: Catching up with her friends and family, showing Saberiel the beauty of the alternate Eberron, and teaching Weylin how to be human and a half-werewolf.

Caralot’s guests:

Honorary Samurai Bruce Han “Chuck” Jarlot “Sparrow” [male half-vampire satyr (transformed male half-elf) former masked vigilante/former airship pirate/former hero/retired] First a crimefighter in Sharn (earning the nickname “Chuck” somehow), then a “rob from the rich, give to the poor” airship pirate (calling himself Jarlot Sparrow) who earned an honorary samurai title from a Dhakaani noble, then a hero as he ferried supplies to a diseased Cyre. It was on one of these relief missions that his ship was hit by the Wild Magic, turning him into a half-vampire satyr.

Puck Jarlot [male memeovoric Large giant spider (transformed male half-elf) ninja chief/psychic cook] Puck got all his training from their mother, Eberron’s greatest chief and ninja. The transformation brought on by the Wild Magic means that he no longer has the appendages necessary to manipulate cooking implements. However he developed psychic powers which have made up the difference, and as an added bonus he can now taste peoples’ minds.

Roosevelt Jarlot [male “teddy” bear (transformed male half-elf) carpenter/magitechie] Obsessed with the technology of his age, Roosevelt J nearly got a scholarship to Arcanix, before someone decided that allowing pirates in was a bad idea. Instead RJ had to improve his skills on his father’s ship, resulting in the Forever Freedom being the fastest hunk of junk on Eberron. Unfortunately he’s had to avoid Caralot like the plague ever since he became cute and cuddly.

Gillamma (Seludrimam) Jarlot [female griffin (transformed male half-elf) wind controller/adventurer/devotee of Thyrs] Seludrimam always wished he could fly. Controlling wind to steer his fathers ship was about as close as he got, until the Wild Magic turned him into a griffin. Still trying to adjust to being a female, she has recently taken up adventuring.

Darastrix Aesthyr [female dragon-blooded human (unknown if she was transformed) ninja chief] Was hired to kill Bruce Jarlot while he was a masked crimefighter, but she fell in love with his charms and they fled Sharn together.

Mawerrkan d’Vidalis [male Orr (cannot transform into pure humanoid form) half-werewolf animal breeder/genetic mage]

Okarran d’Vidalis [female Orr half-werewolf animal breeder/genetic mage]

Jaela Darran(really d’Vidalis) [female half-werewolf/half-elf Keeper of the Silver Flame]

Johnny [illithid Most Supreme Devotee and Priest-type guy of Thyrs/extreme dude] Really good friend of Caralot’s, a thrill-seeker who enjoyed going on sample-collecting missions for the rush.

Forever Freedom [Wild Magic-awakened wind-powered airship]