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Background: Drone Jockey

Skills: Drive-1, Exert-0, Fix-0, Notice-0, Perform-0, Program-1, Shoot-0

Role: Drone Pilot/Street Artist

Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
8 17 8 18 (Prodigy) 10 14
+0 +1 +0 +3 +0 +2


  • Rubèn Angordan, cousin. Corper, last contact a minor argument over different ideals, I'm a relative or childhood friend; known them since I was young; met them when I covered up a minor mistake they made; they can acquire useful street information
  • Street people/ganger/criminal; last contact I did a favor for someone important to them; there is/was a romantic relationship; we go back a long way; I met them when I pulled them out of a fight or disaster; can give me a safehouse for a while
  • Friend contact related to art


  • Prodigy (Intelligence)
  • Voice of the People (Level 2 Pop Idol; additional Friend Contact related to art)


  • Drone Pilot 1: Gain Drive and Fix as bonus skills; start with Remote Control Unit cybersystem installed; free drones and weapons and fittings worth no more than budget on p. 18
  • Pop Idol 2: Gain Perform as bonus skill; 1/week mobilize ~100 fans/level and deny involvement; gain up to $2000/level if mobilizing them for merch or donations

Backstory: Brilliant. That was what people said about him when he was growing up. Not living up to his potential was another common refrain, especially from teachers. But he never had either the discipline for formal education nor the opportunity; nobody from New Kowloon really had a chance. Instead he dug through junkyards and scrapheaps, and when he felt brave he'd raid Corp disposal facilities, looking for parts for drones and other mechanical devices. His parents encouraged this; it was as close to an education and a marketable skill as somebody from the Neon Jungle was likely to get. He supplemented his family's income as best he could, sometimes working security for one of the local gangs or casing a target. Every once in a while he'd pick up some cash doing other things, like making video of a concert, or slave-rigging his drones to a fleet for an art project. They didn't pay as well, but there was less chance of having to hurt somebody.


Short-Term Goals:

Long-Term Goals:


  • Light Pistol (1d6 dmg, Trauma 1d8/x2)
  • 3 magazines and 45 cartridges
  • Clothing, ordinary
  • Knife (1d4 dmg, Shock 1/AC 15, Trauma 1d6/x3)
  • Toolkit
  • Lockpicks
  • Smartphone, basic
  • $50
  • Remote Control Unit cybersystem
  • BanTech Roach drone (AC 13, TT 6, HP 8, 3 Fittings, 10m ground, 0 hardpoints, Enc 3)
  • IR goggles