Gregor Runarm
Character Notes
Name and Race: Gregor Runarm, Male Human
Class: Ranger 14/Urban Fighter 2/Legendary Leader 1
Exp: 150 198
Alignment: Neutral Good (Lawful Leanings)
Background: Gregor's father had once been the proud leader of a hardy township, high and apart on the side of mountains at the eastern edge of the kingdom. A decade more and Gergor might have rightly inherited a proper title, if a small one, his life one of responsibility and forethought. Such was not meant to be. When he was but a small boy the township was attacked by raiders and creatures pressed into their employ from the North, the people scattered and Gregor's father killed. Raised by his father's truest friend in the Order and tradition of the rangers, he had many adventures before finding himself with even more power and responsibility than had been denied him by the events of his youth. More mellowed now with age, the cocksure recklessness of youth still stirs beneath the surface and is held at bay through frequent hunts and hands-on work in the running of the town.
Base Statistics
HD: 14d8+28(Ranger), 2d10+4(Fighter, Urban), 1d8+2(LL)
Hitpoints: 174
Initiative: +4/+6
Speed: 40
- STR 15(+2)(21/+5)
- DEX 16(+3)(18/+4)
- CON 14(+2)
- INT 14(+2)
- WIS 14(+2)
- CHA 16(+3)
Combat Related
- 30 (Flatfooted:26 Touch:19)
- [+5 Studded Leather,+4 Amulet Nat armour, +5 Ring Prot, +4 Dex]
- +21/16/11/6 base melee
- +20/15/10/5 base ranged
Saves: [all +1 with Loper in hand]
- Fortitude +13/15[19]
- Reflex +10/14[18]
- Willpower +9/11[16]
Current Stats & Buffs
- AC -32/27/20 If fighting TW with Loper & Harver or Loper & Pact
+2 Darkwood Longbow, composite (+2 Str Bonus):Dam(1d8+3+1d6 frost)
- +24/19/14/9 or +22/+17/+12/+7/+22 with Rapid Shot
- +1 close range (30')
- +2 Dam w' EW arrows
Combinations - (TWU) +3 Holy Sword & +3 Vorpal Axe or reversed.
- +22/17/12/7 and +22/17/12
- (1d8+8 for prime, 1d8+5 for off)
- Dual strike 20 (1d8+8 for prime, 1d8+5 for off)
+3 Vorpal Axe/Holy Sword & +4 Intelligent Handaxe:(1d8+8 for Sword/Axe, 1d6+6 for Axe)
- +22/17/12/7 and +23/+18/+13 TWU
- Dual Strike 20
Saves: [all +1 with Loper in hand]
- Fortitude +13/15[19]
- Reflex +10/14[18]
- Willpower +9/11[16]
Spell buffs Heros Feast Protection from Arrows 9th True seeing 12th, Staff Stoneskin 17th Forest fold 7th Resist Cold 17th Pass without trace 7th
Skills: 153+14+7=174[170]
- Bluff 5 (Cha)+3/2 [FE]
- Climb 14 (Str, AC) +6/8
- Diplomacy 17[18](Cha)+3/+8/+6s
- Escape Artist 19 (Dex)+3/[15]
- Gather Information 7 (Cha)+3/2/+2s
- Handle Animal 20 (Cha) +3/17
- Heal 5 (Wis)+2/3
- Hide 22[37](Dex,AC)+3/+19,
- Intimidate 5 (Cha) +3/+2s
- Jump 20 (Str,AC)+6/9[14],
- Kn (Dungeoneering) 5 (Int)+2/+3
- Kn (Nature) 7 (Int) +2/3/+2s
- Kn (Local) 5 (Int) +2/+3
- Kn (Nob & Royalty) 5 (Int) +2/3
- Listen 21 (Wis)+2/+19 [FE]
- Move Silently 22[37](Dex,AC) +4/+18,
- Ride 8 (Dex)+4/2/+2s
- Search 5 (Int) +2/3,
- Sense Motive 7 (Wis)+2/5 [FE}
- Sleight of Hand 7 (Dex) +4/+1/+2s
- Speak Language: Common,Orc,Goblin,Draconic,Celestial,Giant.
- Spot 21 (Wis)+2/+19 [FE]
- Survival 21[23](Wis)+2/19 [FE]
- Swim 9 (Str,AC)+6/3
- Use Rope 5[7] (Dex)+4/1
- Armor Proficiency: light,medium.
- Combat Expertise (-5 Att/+5 AC)
- Endurance
- Point Blank Shot - Rapid Shot
- Iron Will(+2Will st)
- Leadership (Cohort Level 14th)
- Quick Reconnoiter
- Shield Proficiency
- Simple, Martial Weapon Proficiency
- Track
- Two-Weapon Defense (+1/+2 AC)
- Two-Weapon Fighting - Improved TWF - Greater TWF(3 atts OH; base/-5/-10)
- Oversized two weapon use.
- Dual Strike (Use both weapons at -4/-10, as SA.)
Ranger Abilities:
- Wild Empathy (+19)
- Animal Companion 7th Level
- Woodland Stride
- Swift Tracker
- Evasion
- Camoflague
Favored Enemies:
- Magical Beasts (+2)
- Giants (+4)
- Monstrous Humanoids (+4)
Legendary Leader Abilities.
- Fearless (Immune all fear effects)
- Heros Luck +1
- Natural Commander (Protective commander:Allies within 30’ get +1 morale bonus on ST’s.)
- Legendary Reputation +1(+1 Diplomacy if not already hostile)
Spells Prepared (Ranger ):
- 3x1st, 2x2nd,1x3rd
- 1st - Arrow mind,Exacting shot, Hunters Mercy.
- 2nd - Haste, swift; Protection from energy.
- 3rd - Forestfold
In ring of spell storing:
- Armour lock /1st x 3
- Spore Field /2nd
- Harver the +4 Intelligent Handaxe
- Loper +3 Vorpal Parrying(+1 Insight bonus AC,STs) Battleaxe
- Pact +3 Holy Longsword.
- Dagger +4 Thinaun.
Armor and Worn:
- +5 Studded Leather: Slick(Gr),Shadow(Gr),Silent Moves(Gr).
- Belt of Giant Strength +6
- Ring: Protection +5
- Amulet of Natural Armour +4
- Cloak of Resistance+3
- Ring of Mind Shielding
- Boots of Striding and Springing
- Goggles of Night
- Ring: Climbing[on chain around neck]
- Bracers of Archery, Greater (+2comp B Atts/+1 Dam)
- Helm of Comp Lang & Read Magic
- Elemental Gems (air and earth)
-Quiver of Ehlonna-
- Bow
- 50 +2 arrows (Exit Wound)
-In Heward's Handy Haversack-
- Mask of Deception[must remove goggles to use]
- Bag of Tricks, Tan
- Murlynd`s Spoon
- Scr: Pass without Trace X 3
- Potions of cure light wounds.x 1,Good hope x 1, Nondetection x1,Circle against Evil x 1,Fly x 1,CSW x1,Restoration, Lesser x2
- Crystal Ball
- Restorative Ointment (1c)
Explorer`s outfit; Noble`s outfit (As needed); Bedroll; Blanket, winter; Bottle, wine, glass; Chalk, 1 piece; Fishhook; Fishing Tackle; Flint and steel; Knucklebones; Rope, hemp (50 ft.); Signet ring, gold; Tarp; Waterskin (full); Whetstone.
Goods: 27,156 gp, 2 sp, 2 cp
Male Dire Animal, Wolf : CR 4; Large Animal ; HD 10d8+30 ( Animal) ; hp 75; Init + 3; Spd 50; AC 19; Atk + 14 base melee, + 9 base ranged; +15 ( 1d8+12, Bite ); SA: Trip (Ex) ; SQ: Scent (Ex), Low-light Vision (Ex); AL N; SV Fort + 10, Ref + 10, Will + 8; STR 27, DEX 17, CON 17, INT 2, WIS 12, CHA 10.
Skills: Hide +3, Jump +16, Listen +8, Move Silently +6, Spot +8, Survival +5.
Feats: Alertness, Improved Scent, Run, Track, Weapon Focus: Bite.
Harver - The +4 Intelligent Handaxe Sheds light, is Lawful Good, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 13, Ego 7, Empathy, Vision (60 ft.) and hearing, Diplomacy 10 ranks, Knowledge (architecture and engineering) 10 ranks). It was created as a gift to a dwarven scout by a powerful wizard, and sees itself as a champion's weapon, often feeling the desire to help those being treated unjustly and encouraging rash action. It is also rather interested in dwarven architecture, fascinated by the works of it's "people," and an intense dislike of the undead as they are not only unholy but killed its original owner.
Quick Reconnoiter - Free action for Spot/Listen Checks, +2 Initiative in area that was reconnoitered.
Graybeard - Has Evasion (As the special ability), and Devotion (+4 on Will Saves against enchantment spells and effects). Has 4 bonus HD, +4 Natural Armor Bonus, +2 Str/Dex Adjustment, and 3 Bonus Tricks.