Basilisk Hill Breakdown:Zelquin
Human Monk/ 6th
XP: 50,000/90,000
Alignment - Neutral
Full PC
- henchmen 1
STR - 12 (Open doors 2-in-6)
INT - 16 (+2 additional languages & skills)
WIS - 9
DEX - 12
CON - 10
CHA - 10 (4 retainers max, loyalty is 7)
- Alignment
- Common
- add lang 1
- add lang 2
General Skills
- Alchemy (Int) - Skilled (10+) - ID, isolate, & work with alchemical substances. (Hex 17.23, pg 9)
- Survival - Herbalism (Int?) - Expert (5+) - Use plants and natural ingredients for medicinal/magical purposes. (Hex 17.23, pg 10)
- Athletics -
- Acrobatics (Dex) - Skilled (10+) (Hex 17.23, pg 9)
- Climbing (Str) - Skilled (10+) (Hex 17.23, pg 9)
- Jumping (Str)- Skilled (10+) (Hex 17.23, pg 9)
- Running (Con) - Skilled (10+) (Hex 17.23, pg 9)
Class Abilities
- May wear any armor and use spells but wearing armor can restrict the Disciplines that can be used.
- At 1st level, select one weapon type to focus in; gain +1 hit/damage using weapon.
- At 4th level an unarmed strike funtions as a magical weapon for purpose of damaging creatures that can only be hit by magical/silver weapons.
- Can Climb Walls as a thief of same level when wearing leather armor or less.
- Sworn vow of poverty and humility; can only possess that they and a mount can carry, 90% of the treasure earned must be donated back to their order or to others in need.
- Starts with three Combat Maneuvers (Hex 17.22) and gain an additional maneuver at levels 5, 9, and 13.
- Starts with three skills, plus any bonus from high INT; gain a new skill at levels 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 13.
- Starts with one Knack; gains a new Knack at levels 5, 9, and 13.
- Starts with two Disciplines, gain additional one every odd level. Each Discipline takes a number of feats to use. Regain feats by sleeping at least 4 hours then meditating for one hour.
- Acrobatics (1 feat, UA) - Can jump 15' vert, 30' hor, automatically succeed on Dex check to avoid slipping.
- Iron Will (2 feats, R) - Roll with advantage against charm, hold, fear, confusion, and other mind-affecting spells, and avoid Sleep spells.
- Trance (1 feat) - enter into suspended animation which slows poison onset times five-fold or stay mobile and hold breath for five minutes plus slow poison onset time three-fold.
- Freedom of Movement (1 feat, UA) - Cannot be held by grapples, restraints, web or entangle spells. Use another feat if there is not enough movement to escape spell area of effect.
- Apprentice Thief: Disable, Sneak, Spot (8 points to spend on improvements)
- Divine Champion (1/3 Cleric caster): 1/round, use action and expend spell slot to turn undead with chance equal to the spell expended.
Thief Skills (Checks on a 1d20)
- Climb Walls - 9+
- Disable (Pick locks, bypass traps, work complex devices) - 14+
- Sneak (Move Silently & Hide in Shadows) - 14+
- Spot (Spot traps or secret passages) - 14+
AC: 6 [13]
HP: 22 (36 max)
Movement Rate: 120'/40'
Initiative Modifier: 0
- Primary Melee Attack: Open Hand - +1 to hit, 1d4 dam.; also considered magical for hitting
- Primary Ranged Attack:
Combat Maneuvers
- Disarm: On a successful roll the target drops one weapon, requiring they spend next attack to pick it up. (DEX, Skilled, 10+, 8+ if using their weapon focus)
- Defensive Stance: Cannot attack during round, roll for every physical attack against target, success causes -2 penalty on attack. (INT, Skilled, 8, 6+ if using their weapon focus)
- Petrification & Paralysis - 12
- Poison & Death - 9
- Blast & Breath - 14
- Staves & Wands - 10
- Spells - 12
Gear, Armor, Weapons: Total Encumbrance ~xxx coins
- item
- item
- item
- On Hand:
- With Factor: