Savage X-COM: X-INT Operations

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EXALT Initial Investigation: We've now identified a possible group of alien collaborators, known as EXALT from previous intelligence activity, with potential ties to terrorist activity. Members are fanatical, dangerous and operate in long term sleeper cells. But someone must be pulling the strings. We're going to take the information we've acquired from the incident in Portland, and attempt to expand on that. Counter: 1

Alien Artifact Trade: X-INT has become aware that certain rich individuals and corporations have been buying and selling alien artifacts among themselves, a trade known as the Gray Market. Petrubingly, this seems to have been going on since before the invasion began. Long before, in fact, and we've confirmation that some of the artifacts are genuinely alien, and not just clever fakes being sold to people with more dollars than sense. Acquiring these artifacts could be helpful for resarch, as well as clamping down on a trade banned by UN and Council regulations. Counter: 4