User:Bill/Hyperstructure Aurora/Build a Gun

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TriStat dX simulates most attacks that use unconventional weapons or powers with the Special Attack Attribute (p.32), and most equipment that enables a character to use this Attribute with the Item of Power Attribute (p.24). Building weapons like this can be a little confusing and it works best if it's taken in steps.

Step One - Special Attack

Each level of special attack bought to simulate a hand-held weapon costs 4pts/level and inflicts 20pts of damage per level. To meet my standard of 60 damage will require three levels of Special Attack for a total cost of 12pts. That's a bare bones attack that may be defined by any special effect such as; lasers, proton blasts, charged particle beams, high energy plasma bolts, etc. The special effect should be clearly defined as it can potentially come into play.

Special Attack also features enhancements and disadvantages specific to the Attribute. Each level of Special Attack Ability (see table p.32) reduces the damage dealt by a Special Attack by 20pts. Each level of Attack Disability (see table p.35) increases the damage dealt by a Special Attack by 20pts but may not increase it beyond the maximum value established by the initial levels of Special Attack purchased. So no combination of Special Attack Abilities and Attack Disabilities could increase the damage dealt by a level 3 Special Attack beyond 60 and under no circumstances do Attack Disabilities reduce the cost of a Special Attack. As many effects as possible should be simulated via Special Attack Abilities and Attack Disabilities. This negates the utility of most PMVs and Defects.

The Hand-Held Attack Disability requires a special note. Because we are reflecting the hand-held nature of weapons with the Item of Power, which reduces the point cost of Special Attacks purchased through it, we will not be using Hand-Held from Attack Disabilities.

Step Two - Item of Power

Once the cost of the Special Attack has been worked out it is then purchased via Item of Power. An Item of Power is effectively any object that is not an intrinsic part of the characters and by default may be take away. If it is a natural ability, implanted or otherwise not removable without major effort an Attribute may not be bought using Item of Power. This Attribute is analogous to the Focus disadvantage found in many other generic role-playing games and thinking of it like that should make it easier to use. Item of Power for hand-held weapons should be bought at 3pts/level.


Here's a basic laser pistol.

Item of Power 3 (Pistol) 9 Points
Special Attack 4 80 Damage 16 Points
Concealable -20 Damage
60 Damage

As we see the cost of the Special Attack is reduced by six points because it is contained in an object that can easily be taken away from the character.

Final Notes

  • All pistols must have the Concealable Special Attack Ability.
  • Pistols should not exceed six levels of special attack.
  • Regardless of the levels of Special Attack a pistol should never exceed 60 damage.
  • Rifles and automatic weapons should not exceed ten levels of special attack.
  • Regardless of the levels of Special Attack a rifle should never exceed 100 damage.
  • Heavy Weapons, requiring a superhuman Body stat, should not exceed 15 levels of special attack.
  • Melee weapons that are less likely to do any more damage to an unarmored opponent than to an armored one, such as energy swords, should generally follow the guidelines established for rifles. They may deliver substantially less damage and have a higher penetration value.