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Kael'Thas Nicodemus Urdansa

Lawful Neutral Half-Elf, Wizard 4/ Warlock 4/ Eldritch therge 3/ Magehound 2


Kael is often, and quite rightly so, considered strange in apperance. his hair and skin are white, and his eyes are pale blue. his body is slim and lightly build with a well toned and scultped muscels. he moves with an almost predatory and unearthly air, which unsettles people as much as his appearance does. Kael possesses an Exotic beauty, though most people are put off by the un-natural aura about him. Kael possesses no scars, but does have a runic tattoo beneath his right eye, and similar ones along the outside of his right arm and both legs as well as along his spine.


Kael is quiet, reserved and polite. he always remains calm and controlled no matter what the situation, and his patience is almost inexhaustible. Kael never lets anyone get too close to him, and if they invade his personal space he draws back. Kael also draws away from other peoples touch, and finds it extremely uncomfortable. Kael keeps to himself and his studies a lot, but takes to the outside world to earn money and to do his duty as a Magehound. he takes intrusions on his quarters seriously. Kael is unperturbed by Violence and gore, he fears nothing and is utterly merciless.


Kael never talks about himself, and if someone does ask he merely replies. "I dont want to talk about it". what ever has happened to him, like his age is a mystery. all files on him were destroyed before the wars end. this doesn't stop rumors circulating about him of course and there are a few facts known about him, the first is that he was in Cyre during the Day of Mourning. and that he disappeared for almost two years before stumbling out of the Mournland half-dead and babbling incoherently.

Since then Kael has worked for various patrons and has continued his duties as a Magehound, collecting bounties and then mercilessly fulfilling them. Rumors whisper of his parentage, though Kael never discusses it, is not exactly mortal. some state that he is part demon. others that his Father was a creature from the Spirit world.

Whether any of the rumors about him are true or not, Kael still is unsettling for most people. either because of his reputation, his job or because of his supposed ancestry.

Shadows over Cyre