User:Bill/Hyperstructure Aurora/Characters:Turgon

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Having completely replaced all of his organic systems, except his brain, with advanced cybernetics Turgon is virtually invulnerable to conventional attacks. His eight foot tall robotic frame has been coated with a special light distorting material that allows him to become nearly invisible. While this ability is inactive he appears to be painted matte black with a white death's head painted over his face-plate.

Body 12 Mind 6 Soul 4 Cost
Health 120 Energy 50 Shock 24 44
Attribute Level Description
Adaptation 4 cold, heat, pressure, radiation 4
Armor 3 reduces incoming damage by 30 (10/level) 9
Attack Combat Mastery 1 +1 attack action 3
Combat Technique 5 accuracy, blind shooting, concealment, steady hand, two-weapon 5
Defense Combat Mastery 1 +1 defense action 2
Features 1 concealed holsters 1
Heightened Awareness 2 +4 to notice concealed object and ambushes 2
Heightened Senses 2 type 1 enhancement, +4 to sight and hearing checks 2
Highly Skilled 6 +60 skill points 6
Invisibility 1 vs. normal sight, naked form only 2
Item of Power (Armor) 2 adaptation (vacuum), armor 3 (reduces damage by 30) 8
Item of Power (Las Pistol) 3 special attack +60, concealable, two pistols 10
Mind Shield 2 +2 vs mind control and reduces damaging effects of mind attacks by 20 2
Sixth Sense 2 infrared and ultraviolet vision 100m 6
Special Attack (Retractable Power Blade) 2 +40 damage, concealable, melee, muscle-powered 8
Super Strength 1 +10 damage to close combat attacks, +4 to strength related body checks, lift 1 metric ton 4
Tough 2 +40 health 4
Subtotal 122
Defect Level Description Value
Does Not Heal Normally 2 the character must be repaired -2
Ism 1 anti-bionic prejudice -1
Marked 3 the character is obviously not human -3
Total 116
Skill Level Specializations Points
Area Knowledge 2 Aurora, Missouri 7
Military Sciences 3 Strategy, Tactics 9
Occult 2 Spells, Supernatural Creatures 5
Street Sense 1 Gang Activity 2
Urban Tracking 1 Underworld 4
Gun Combat 4 Autofire, Pistol 25
Heavy Weapons 1 Launchers 4
Melee Defense 2 Swords 10
Unarmed Attack 3 Strikes 18
Unarmed Defense 1 Strikes 6
Total 90