Last Emperor: Skills
ellatroc This article is the discussion of the Last Emperor D20 Dragonstar conversion to the Storytelling system, specifically addressing skills and skill use.
The Skills
D20 Skill | ST Skill |
Alchemy * | Science (Chemistry) |
Animal Empathy * | Animal Ken |
Appraise | Academics |
Balance | Atheletics |
Bluff | Persuasion |
Climb | Atheletics |
Concentration | Resolve + Composure |
Craft (Speciality) | Crafts (Speciality) |
Cryptrography + | Science or Computer |
Decipher Script | Academics |
Demolitions + | Crafts (EOD Speciality) |
Diplomacy | Persuasion |
Disable Device | Crafts or Larceny |
Disguise | Subterfuge |
Escape Artist | Atheletics or Larceny |
Forgery | Science |
Freefall + | Atheletics |
Gather Information | Socialize |
Handle Animal | Animal Ken |
Heal | Medicine |
Hide | Atheletics or Larceny |
Inneuendo * | Expression |
Intimidate | Intimidate |
Intuit Direction * | Survival |
Jump | Atheletics |
Knowledge (Speciality) | Academics or Science |
Listen | Wits + Composure |
Move Silently | Atheletics |
Navigate + | Survival |
Open Lock | Larceny |
Perform (Specialtiy) | Expression |
Pick Pocket or Sleight of Hand * | Larceny |
Pilot + | Drive (Pilot Speciality) |
Profession (Speciality) | Academics or Science |
Read Lips * | Expression or Language |
Repair + | Craft (speciality) |
Research + | Investigation or Academic |
Ride | |
Scry * | Occult |
Search | Investigation |
Sense Motive | Empathy |
Spellcraft | Occult |
Spot | Wits + Composure |
Survival & | Survival |
Swim | Atheletics |
Tumble | Atheletics |
Urban Lore | Streetwise |
Use Device + | |
Use Magic Device | Occult |
Use Rope | Atheletics |
Wilderness Lore * | Survivial |
The D20 system has 50 skills (including a few added by Dragonstar), with several of which cascade, requiring selection of specific subskills. Storytelling system has 24, rather broader skills. So as skills are converted there will be overlap.
In general converting a skill requires looking up the original skill on the table to the right, and dividing the number of skill ranks by four to get the number of dots the corresponding ST skill.
Skills marked with a '+' are skills introduced by the Dragonstar rules, in addition to the base D20 rules. Skills marked with a '*' are D&D 3.0 skills which were removed (or changed) for the the D&D 3.5 rules. Skilles marked with an '&' are new to D&D 3.5.
Language skills
In D20, languages are a skill (called Speak Language), each new language costs two skill points to learn, in addition to the skills learned as a racial ability and due to their intelligence modifier.
Language skills in ST are merits, and should be purchased as one point Language merits.
Perception skills
ST does not use a skill for quick perception tasks, so a character with five or more ranks in Spot or Listen skill should get a bonus dot to either their Wits or Composure attributes (players choice) and 10 or more ranks should get a two dots bonus.
Cascade skills
In D20, Craft, Knowledge, Profession, and Perform skills are all cascade skills, the player must select a specific focus to these skills. In addition to the dots in the base skill, the character should get specializations in each of these skills.
Base Attack Bonus
The D20 BAB represents a general attack skill. In ST, the attack skills are either Brawl, Weapondry or Firearms. As with other skills, divide the BAB by four and distribute the points to the three combat skills.