Midnight RPG - Chapter 29.782

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At some point that night, after the battle with Krell and after the discussion between Durgaz, Zal and Eranon about visions has ended, Durgaz will leave whatever inn they were staying in and go off on his own. Once he is near the docks, he will use his Locate Creature ability to find Khalim(sp?), the big Sarcosan who seemed to be in charge of "flipping" the Spear of Grief.

NOTE: I have broken up some of your conversation with my own.


The docks are flooded with fogs on the night. Even though the moon is coming toward it's fullness in the next few weeks these planks are difficult to be followed. The tinge of fish and sea permeate the place. Along the docks the lamp light is hued in yellow-green from the green-clay candles posted in lanterns at 20' intervals some 20' above the planks of the dock-walks. There are around 7 ships in the various docking ports (about have as many more could dock here) and on a few of them hang their own lanterns. Only two ships have gangplanks lain out to walk aboard. "The Spear of Grief" is one such, with several lanterns lighting her up you can see ship-carpenter tools lying about on her rails.

Durgaz can hear the thump and melodies coming from the "Ls" some 100 yards up the rocky beach just beyond the docks. There are no people on the docks, they've been lain bare for the night...

Concentrating on the tall Sarcosan, dusky skin, tattoos covering... Durgaz slowly turns while your senses reach beyond your body nearly 300 yeards, close to the full extent of your ability - the angle is slight but you can feel it... Soon without having realized it you've walked off the docks, up the rocky shelled beach to your right of the Ls and around the backside.

The light is unlike the main boardwalks, which seem to be prepetually in dusk with the multiple sources of lantern and torch. Yet your orcish vision allows you to see easily through the hinderances....


What he does next depends upon where Khalim is. If he is on the dock somewhere, Durgaz will go there. If he's in a bar or a brothel or something, Durgaz will go there. If he's at home, Durgaz will go there, and knock on his door. If there are people around, Durgaz will ask Khalim to meet with him outside, out of the range of prying eyes. Surely Khalim wouldn't want to look like a coward in front of his friends or compatriots, too scared to be left alone with a single orc. If Khalim is a coward and refuses to go, Durgaz will just talk to him wherever he is.


Walking up the slight hill from the docks around the backside of the Ls, Durgaz sees multiple shops of craft-workers as well as some of the less rowdy brothels and houses of ill repute... Though they may seem less exciting it's sure that they may contain more lethal dangers as a small handfull of the most drunken or staunch pirates and islanders grumble and growl as you pass...

With little effort you find yourself standing in the doorway of an old gambling hall. No name anywhere to be seen or spoke of - only the skulls of orcs, oruks and a few humans adorn the upper doorway as their Inn sign.
This "after hours" place is filthy, the whores here - infested with Shadow only knows what diseases. Only a few down on their luck sailors sit drinking themselves to death at lonely tables...
Stairs climb up to the inn floor of this place and Durgaz finds himself knocking on the third door at the end of the hall, a window looking down toward the "alley" on which the blood of Krell still seeps...

Khalim is at home.
When the door opens from your knock a Dornish woman with a face pretty yet worn for her age pulls in the door... Quickly Khalim cuts in front of her, stepping outside - watching for safety of his family as he shuts the door... (beyond him, before the door shut you could see his Dornish wife who had opened the door, a caucasian, red haired, blue eyed, plump but pretty gal; their five children and what you would assume would be his wife's younger sister.

Khalim stops Durgaz in the door and offers you to walk out from the Ls around and toward the forest with him. Taking up a pipe (offering you some) as you go.


Durgaz isn't particularly interested in opening up a dialog with this guy so much as he just want to deliver a message. If appropriate, feel free to imagine that Intimidate checks would be interspersed throughout, wherever appropriate.


The dark sturdy Sarcosan doesn't seem intimidated by your kind, he's lived in the South with orc, he's lived in the north with orc. Though he did seem overly protective of his family. Almost surprised anyone "found" where he lives in this place... He seems to feel comfortable with himself walking with you. He seems willing to talk...


"The elf is right. You people are parasites. You find yourselves in a unique position to oppose the Shadow from one of the few places left on Aeryth that his taint has not fully corrupted, and you fritter away that opportunity on personal gain, liquor and music and cheap women. You may sink the occasional ship out of Highwall, but it is by happenstance when you do. You would just as soon scuttle or steal a ship filled with supplies bound for Three Oaks, or food that might save the lives of a village of Erenlander children. You are disgusting, even by the low standards set by other Sarcosans.


Khalim stops abruptly, yet some 50' before the first start of the forest on Bildgewater's backside... He turns on you with confidence, yet still in respectful distance and says...

"Slow your bile tongue 'friend'... You have seen that I have reason to care. I have a family. I have children. But even so, my way is my way. I donot owe you nor ANY man an explanation - whether he be orc, elf, Sarcosan. Whether he be Norfall, Shadow or Resistance. I owe NO MAN anything, and that is how I survive - it is what I hold true.
You speak with daggered words of accusation 'friend', yet you took down three men wishing only to do their jobs and the young boy there that day only hoping to impress me - that he might get on as a new laborer...

Do not speak of me and mine in such generalized tones 'friend'. You have not even given your name as a show of attitude with me, yet I have lost a days labor and three... four strong men to do it. You speak of parasites... You speak with such a holyier than thou tone 'friend'. Perhaps you need to look into the eyes of a man and offer him the chance to stand noble in your eyes before you judge him."
Khalim steps back, puffs on his pipe, shows his arms and hands to be free of weapons and begins a bow of which you have seen before... from another Sarcosan 'friend'.
"by the stars and tides, I am Khalid Nahon-Duhale son of Ismar Toren of Menah-Seton and faithful son of the southern-most coastal city of Paol and I have riden four days with no sleep, water or food just to see the Sali raise high in the heavens beneath the constellations of the great eye tyrant. I now have found my purpose in life - to love a woman so unlike my kind that she has shown me what it was in my people that laid down with them in the times after the wars when Sarcosan Kings drove north. I live for lives not my own 'friend'. Even if it is in this place, I find light in my star-bright's eyes when I wake each morn.

And now that you know my soul 'friend', may I beg your words... what is it that drives your heart 'friend'?"


"So, we have come to your island, and now you lay claim to our ship. Fine. As far as I am concerned, you may take it, as well as whatever lies below decks ... the hold contains many crates that we did not open. You should know that we still may need it to leave this place, but once we have done so, it is yours, for all I care. Take the ship and whatever goods you find below, and trade them for enough money to forget about the outside world for a few more cycles. Half of that money, you may keep, or distribute among your workers, however you see fit.

The rest of it, you will divide up and give to the families of those three men who died aboard the boat, and whose blood still stains the floorboards below. I do not know how much this will be, or what it could buy for them, and it will not bring their loved ones back. But it is better spent on them than it could ever be on you or the rest of your thieving, whoring crew. You will tell them that you are deeply sorry for their loss, and that you will do anything you can to help them out in the cycles ahead. You will tell them nothing of me."


The large man turns and continues walking with you... His gate is nearly that of yours. He is a warrior, like you, yet he has found some peace in this world of hate. Perhaps it's stilled the blood rage, if he ever had it. Perhaps he's controlled it. As he replies...

"......that is a responsible act 'friend'. One that I've already made arrangements for, you may be surprised to know... It was my duty as their 'captain' to do such. But I assure you that the sentiment is not lost on me that it was your heart that sought me out for this duty. I have not, I will not speak of you. I suppose 'friend' that miracles can come true and my children will know the word hope in this day when one of your kind can speak of due justice for the families of the slain...

... as to the ship, I was pointed at her by Prince Aesir Norfall. I confirmed the refit with Prince Disa Norfall. She said it was at the request of Jaedyn the scion of the Pirate Princes and House Norfall. I know nothing more than that. I was paid a wage and stopped my carpenters when I knew the confliction with your boat..."


"This is not a request. You will do this. I may not be here when you have gotten whatever you will from the sale of the ship or the goods, but rest assured, I will know if you have not. And if you insist on being so foolish, I _will_ come back for you, and you can personally explain to the dead men why you felt that their widows and orphans were less deserving of the money than you, when I send you to join them."


Khalim glints at you once to show he is not afraid, then slowly raises his foot onto a tree stoop enjoying the deep musk of his after dinner pipe.... he continues... "...by the stars on high, I give you my word - it will be done by the heart of me. I will make right what is now wrong. Not with need of your command 'friend' but not without consideration of it. I make it right because it is right. It is what my father before me taught as the wind blurred my eyes riding on the dusty plains of the southwest coastal flats...." Khalim looks to you eye to eye... warrior to warrior, man to man and offers his hand. "...so say we all 'friend', so say we all..."