Name: Dryga
Gender: Male
Race: Half-Orc
Age: 19 Height 5'5" Weight 220lbs
Hair: Bald Eyes: Black Skin: Brownish Green
Class: Fighter 6/Rogue 2
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Str: 24 (+7) *+6 racial, SRD, and leveling*
Dex: 16 (+3)
Con: 14 (+2)
Int: 8 (-1) *-2 racial*
Wis: 12 (+1)
Chr: 6 (+-2) *-2 racial*
Hit Points: 88
AC: 21/23 (+3 Dex, +6 Armor, +1 natural, +1 deflection /+2 shield), Touch: 14, Flat: 18
Init: +3
BAB: +7/+2, Grappling: +14
Speed: 30 ft/rd
Fortitude: +9 (+5 Base, +2 Con, +1 Feat, +1 Cloak)
Reflex: +9 (+5 Base, +3 Dex, +1 Cloak)
Will: +5 (+2 Base, +1 Wis, +1 Feat, +1 Cloak)
Tripchopper, MW Adamantine Halberd: +16/+11 (1d10+12)
War Club of the Vyrc Clan, +1 Club: +15/+10 (1d6+8)
Bluff +2 *+2 Badge of Bondage feat*
Climb +6
Intimidate +7 *+1 Illiterate trait*
Knowledge (Geography) +1.5
Ride +4
Sleight of Hand +4
Spot +3
Swim +2
Tumble +2
Languages: Common, Orc
Racial Abilities
Darkvision 60'
Orc Blooded
- Power Attack (Fighter Bonus)
- Improved Sunder (Fighter Bonus)
- Point Blank Shot (Fighter Bonus)
- Weapon Focus: Halberd (Fighter Bonus)
- Weapon Focus: Throwing Axe
- Weapon Specialization: Halberd
- Badge of Bondage
Rogue Abilities:
Sneak Attack +1d6
Illiterate (Can't read, +1 to Intimidate)
Stout (+2 Str checks vs Bull Rush and Overrun, -1 to Escape Artist)
Silver Throwing Axe (MW)
Slave Shackles (+1 Buckler)
Throwing Axes (x3)
Greenscales (+1 Dragonhide Breastplate)
Weird Iron Piece I wear on my neck (Amulet of Natural Armor +1)
Comfy Black Cloak (Resistance +1)
Pirate Ring (Protection +1)
Iron Pot
Belt Pouch
Sewing needle and thread
Clothes (Peasant Outfit)
Short and runty. Clan left me. Goblins took. Ran away with nice people. We found monster city, killed it, took stuff. Spent lots of money in Badwall. People tried to kill us in Badwall. We killed them. Decide to go to Fax. Killed ogres and trolls on road. Killed dragon! Spent lots of money in Fax. Snake men tried to kill us. We killed them. Decide to go to Hardby on boat. Pirates tried to slave us. Killed them too. Oooo. Now going to Greyhawk. Heard stuff about it.
I heard of some god called Kord. He's supposed to be real strong and like people who's real strong. I'm real strong so he's gotta like me right? Return To Castle GreyHawk PBP by Xaos