Character:Sir Briant of Stapleford
A character for Pendragon 4th Edition, created by Screen_Monkey Here.
This is the first character created in my Player Character challenge. Pendragon was topmost and leftmost on the shelf of all my games.
This character is designed as a classic Salisbury knight for the Pendragon classic era of 531. This is the era of high chivalry for Britain, and is at the period when the enchantment of Britain and the kingship of Arthur are at their peak. It is an age of glory, chivalry, romance and adventure.
Character Stats
Personal Information
Adventurer Name: Sir Briant of Stapleford
Gender: Male
Age: 26 years old
Homeland: Salisbury
Religion: Christian
Culture: Cymric
Father's Name: Maddog of Stapleford
Father's Class: Vassal Knight
Son Number: One
Lord: Sir Robert, Earl of Salisbury
Current Class: Vassal Knight
Personality Traits and Passions
Character Description
Character description, biography, and/or background go here.
Your thoughts on the character and character creation process.